
Hockey PEI ready for pint-sized rink standard

Hockey PEI is prepared for changes that will see full-sized rinks partitioned into two or three playing surfaces for young players.

Hockey Canada will mandate divided ice surfaces for five- and six-year olds starting in the 2017-18 season. The organization has been recommending that for three decades.

"Here on P.E.I. we have been doing this and pushing for this for the past four to five years," said Hockey PEI executive director Rob Newson in an email to CBC News.

"A few years ago we implemented this officially and work with our associations to make this [age] level half ice and small area games."

Hockey PEI has a program that will fund 75 per cent of the purchase cost of the equipment required to divide rinks.

Hockey Canada research has shown that games on smaller ice for young players lead to more touches for all players, more shots on goal, and an increased number of passes.

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