
Genie Bouchard honours Super Bowl bet, takes Twitter date to Nets game

After experiencing the inherent risks of betting on the Super Bowl, Eugenie Bouchard has fulfilled her promise to one lucky fan.

As you might recall, the 22-year-old Bouchard agreed to go on a date with a random guy on Twitter when the Atlanta Falcons were up 21-0 over the New England Patriots during Super Bowl LI and, well, we all know how that turned out. The Patriots made a historic comeback, and Bouchard had a promise to keep.

Following New England’s improbable comeback, John Goehrke — a 20-year-old student based out of Missouri — told Yahoo Canada Sports all about the tweet that won him a date with the Canadian tennis star.

Bouchard tweeted a photo of the happy couple on their way to the Brooklyn Nets’ game against the Milwaukee Bucks on Wednesday night.

Bouchard also documented parts of the date for fans on Snapchat.

Goehrke, who appeared to be just a little nervous, called it the “best date ever.”

Bouchard said in an interview with YES Network on Wednesday night that she chose the Nets game because she was in New York for Sports Illustrated — she’s featured in the 2017 swimsuit edition that came out Wednesday — and she thought the game would be “less awkward” than a dinner date, since the two didn’t know each other prior to that day.

Goehrke said he didn’t expect the date would actually happen.

Bouchard continued: “I was a little worried because his Twitter profile picture was a picture of Tiger Woods, so I was like, ‘Oh my God, he’s one of those super fans, I don’t even know what he looks like.’ But he’s awesome.”

The date apparently went so well that, according to Bouchard, the two will “for sure” be going on a second date.