
Cage Warriors fighter screams, yells at opponent before getting TKO'd with uppercut

Cage Warrior fighter Liam Gittins used an obnoxious strategy in his bout with Brian Bouland on Friday, but it failed spectacularly.
Cage Warrior fighter Liam Gittins used an obnoxious strategy in his bout with Brian Bouland on Friday, but it failed spectacularly. (Cage Warriors/Twitter)

If you ever thought that yelling, screaming and making random noises was a sound strategy when getting into a fight, Cage Warriors fighter Liam Gittins (6-2) is here to demonstrate that you are sadly mistaken.

In his match with Brian Bouland (10-3) at Cage Warriors 122 on Saturday, Gittins decided to try out a new tactic. The man nicknamed “Nightmare” ferociously approached Bouland while making obnoxiously loud noises and goading his opponent.

Now, I don’t know if this was his idea or not, but I really do hope he has someone to blame for how it worked out.

All that screaming and yelling seemed to have the opposite effect as it was Bouland who emerged victorious with a quick, and rather smooth, TKO victory.

Gittins did pop-up from the mat quickly afterwards, frustrated about the bout being called when it was, but could you really fault the official for stepping in when he did? I can’t blame him for not wanting to listen to Gittins much longer, and it certainly looked like things were heading south for the English fighter anyways.

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