
Why the Yankees are struggling | Baseball Bar-B-Cast

Yahoo Sports senior MLB analysts Jordan Shusterman and Jake Mintz discuss the Yankees getting swept by the Cincinnati Reds at home. Hear the full conversation on the “Baseball Bar-B-Cast” podcast - and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen.

Video Transcript

Let's start in the Bronx.

I know you have been away from home, away from Yankee stadium the last little bit.

So you haven't been around in the last week or so.

Uh, but they're struggling.

They miss you, man.

They, they need you, they need you in that press box to be playing.

Well, apparently it's me, baby.

It's all about me, Jordan.

Do you know what the biggest fan base in America is the second biggest fan base is the Yankees and the first biggest fan base is everyone who hates the Yankees.

And whenever the Yankees are riding the struggle bus, the other half of America rejoices just a quick aside, by the way, America, like we think we're the Reds, but we're the Yankees.

Oh, I see what you're saying.



No, that's true.

That's true.

We like to say it's funny, right, because the Reds even yesterday, I think, you know, we've seen them try and adopt America's team as their moniker.

We've seen a lot of teams do this, but the Reds have over the last couple of years, you know, we've seen them do this as a kind of a scrappy young bunch but it, this American's team against America's team and America's team went into the Bronx and told the, the Yankees as Americans against the Yanks.

They said, uh, you're not very good.

This is actually not too much of an issue.

The Cincinnati Reds who, I don't know if you saw this, but I should have tweeted the clip out.

I know Robert Orr tweeted about this but when the Yankees lost yesterday got swept, the disgust with which Michael Kay said, and the Yankees drop this one and they get swept by the Cincinnati Reds.

Uh, now I'm adding the sound effect but the tone was basically exactly that it was both dismissive and disappointing and condescending and all the things you would want from a Yankees from a Yankees, you know, um, adjacent voice.

But yeah, man, I mean, this is an extension of a, of a pretty rough stretch here for, for the, for the old Yanks.