
Virginia first school out of College World Series, Tennessee awaits winner of UNC & FSU

Yahoo Sports' Jake Mintz reports from Omaha after Day 3 of the College World Series where Virginia becomes the first school eliminated and Tennessee looks to become the first #1 seed to win the Championship since 1999.

Video Transcript

Jake mints Yahoo Sports here on day three of the men's college World Series in Omaha, Nebraska.

This was the first day the teams were sent home.

The University of Virginia, the first team to go after they lost their second game of the tournament.

This time by the score of 7 to 3 against Florida State University.

The Cavaliers couldn't muster up enough offense against the Seminoles and they will head home.

The end of any college season is an emotional experience.

A lot of hugs, a lot of bleary eyed goodbyes and it was no different for the University of Virginia.

The enduring moment came in their postgame press conference starting pitcher Jay Wolfel was incredibly emotional up at the podium, thanking his manager, Brian o'connor for everything he'd done for him over the years.

Those types of moments that really exemplify college athletics as a whole, right?

You develop relationships, you better yourself as a person on and off the diamond.

That was the relationship between Wolf and o'connor and anytime we get a little glimpse of that, it's really, really meaningful.

The night cap was actually pretty boring by the standards of this tournament which has seen its fair share of drama, Tennessee taking the winner's bracket game by a score of 6 to 1, a fourth inning, three run home run by volunteer outfielder Kavari Stier proved to be the difference as the orange and white stampeded on to the catbird seat of this tournament.

They are now 2 to 0.

They will face the winner of an elimination game to be played on Tuesday between UN C and Florida State.

It's the first time in recent years that this version of Tennessee has been in this position in the men's college World Series.

They are the number one overall team trying to become the first number one overall seed to win it all since 1999.

Today was a step in the right direction.