
Time to regrade the Maple Leafs, again

The Toronto Maple Leafs were down bad after a four-game losing streak but three wins in five nights, against quality opposition, and the team suddenly looks back to its best.

Video Transcript


TICTACTOMAR: Hey, everyone. Welcome back to another episode of "In the Mentions." I'm TicTacTOmar, and remember before when we were all upset? Even me, I was upset. I started an episode, and I was like, hey, welcome back to another episode of "In the Mentions." I just wasn't excited, because the Leafs were bad. They stunk. They weren't playing well. They were losing all these games that they shouldn't have.

And now it was interesting to see that the measuring stick has been extended. They've turned things around, which is something that we've all wanted. I talked about as well. But it seems as if they have, again, have evolved into this new form of team that can do the things we've been wanting them to do for the entire season, and they're doing them well.

They're not relying on skill, they're not relying on these dropped passes and spin-a-ramas and stuff. They're working hard, they are finishing checks, they are playing defensive games, and they're winning them. Now the tone is completely different. Everyone's excited, everyone's happy.

Actually, this thought from Alex Hobson I think captures it very perfectly. The Leafs can on one hand lose all these games, you're not supposed to, but then beat the Boston Bruins, who were the top team in the East, especially in the Atlantic Division, and then go on and beat the Carolina Hurricanes, who were a top team in the Metro.

So it just seems like all, everything's kind of coming together. Denis Malgin looks amazing! And if you were a person who was ripping on Malgin, ripping on the trade, I think it's time to take that back, because he's been one of the best players on the team, like bar none. So everything is pretty sick. Everything's pretty solid.

Now the most important thing is whether they can maintain this. This did happen last year, you know, where they have that rough little start. November happened, they went on that crazy streak. And now that we're in a similar time frame, perhaps the same thing can take place, hopefully. Because you know what? I'm really not fond of watching a team that has such good potential lose to teams that they shouldn't lose to.