
Takeaways and Themes of "Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Candace Against the Universe"

What Ashley Hopes Viewers Take Away From the Movie; Maulik on Theme of the Show

Video Transcript


ASHLEY TISDALE: I think that there are, you know, times in your life where, you know, things aren't always going the way you thought they would. And sometimes, I think, like, you can get stuck in feeling like, you know, yeah, the universe is against you. And you're just like-- your you're not getting to that place where you feel like you deserve.

And I think that, you know-- I feel like all of the journey there is what it's all about. It's not about the destination. It's not really about busting her brothers. The end of the day, it's really about the journey, and it's about the relationships between all of these characters and the relationships in your own life.

And so-- but I think Candace is so, like, destined onto that end-- like, I need my mom to see this-- she's forgetting and she's not seeing the fun that she's missing out on. So I think it's about being really present in your life and being [INAUDIBLE] in these moments, even in this moment that feels not great because we're in quarantine and we can't see our friends. But this moment will pass. And, you know, make something good out of this moment, I think.

GIBSON JOHNS: I also think that, you know, there's a character in here for everyone, you know? I think there's a way for people to see themselves in this movie. And that's really special, too, you know? And not everything can say that, I don't think. Yeah.

MAULIK PANCHOLY: And I love that-- I was gonna say I love that the title of the movie is "Candace Against the Universe." It's like she's taking it all on by herself. And in the end, the thing that really saves her is her brothers and this group of friends that come out and, like, really go after her and, like, let her know that she is special. And I think that's what the heart of Phineas and Ferb has always been is that it's these kids together, being friends, and having this boundless imagination, and making things. But they always come back to, like, make sure that each of them is part of the group, which I think is what this movie is so special.