
Rapid fire with Raptors' Jeff Dowtin Jr.

Amit Mann asks Raptors guard Jeff Dowtin Jr. a series of questions, including his pet peeves, favourite foods and more. Listen to the full segment on the 'Raptors Over Everything' podcast feed or watch on our YouTube.

Video Transcript

AMIT MANN: We've got two more minutes, so let's do some rapid fire things here, all right? Let's start with this-- what's your three course mega meal of choice? So three things that you're going to have that are your favorite foods?

JEFF DOWTIN JR.: Three course, I'd probably start off with a Caesar salad, just to--

AMIT MANN: Caesar salad?

JEFF DOWTIN JR.: Caesar salad. It's just on the safe side. Then probably some lamb chops.

AMIT MANN: Mm-hmm.

JEFF DOWTIN JR.: Lobster mac and cheese on the side with that, and some broccoli. And then dessert would probably be a nice cheesecake.

AMIT MANN: What food disgusts you?

JEFF DOWTIN JR.: Disgusts me-- a lot.


JEFF DOWTIN JR.: Asparagus would probably be--

AMIT MANN: Really?

JEFF DOWTIN JR.: Yeah, I don't like asparagus.

AMIT MANN: OK, pet peeves-- what are Jeff Dowtin, Jr.'s, pet peeves?

JEFF DOWTIN JR.: I don't know, people who cough, but not into their arms, just cough out loud.

AMIT MANN: Yeah, especially nowadays, that's important.


AMIT MANN: Who cheered louder, your mom or dad at games?

JEFF DOWTIN JR.: Before, it used to be dad. Now, it's mom. It flip-flopped. Yeah, dad is more calm now.

AMIT MANN: Is your mom like, that's-- like, that's my baby?

JEFF DOWTIN JR.: Yeah, that's her now, yeah.

AMIT MANN: That's nice, too. You have said your favorite player was Steph Curry and Kevin Durant. So who is it?


JEFF DOWTIN JR.: I can't have both?

AMIT MANN: Sure you could, yeah, but-- in high school, you said Steph Curry. And then more recently in college, you said Kevin Durant, so I'm just curious.

JEFF DOWTIN JR.: Both. No, I love both guys, the way they play, the way they approach the game of basketball.

AMIT MANN: Yeah. After you were leaving Rhode Island, it was before your final game there, you said, I love this place so much, it's crazy. What did Rhode Island mean to you?

JEFF DOWTIN JR.: I mean, it meant the world to me. It was just being there for four years, those people, those fans, they welcomed me with open arms, you know? I always go back and visit them, you know? I love the school, the state, everything about it.

AMIT MANN: Do you still want to be a lawyer?



JEFF DOWTIN JR.: --not at all, no. That was kind of what I grew up wanting to be, just not even thinking about basketball. Now, no, I probably couldn't even do it.

AMIT MANN: Final question, who's your best friend within the Raptors organization?

JEFF DOWTIN JR.: That's a trick question because I won't--

AMIT MANN: You're not [INAUDIBLE] in trouble, but--

JEFF DOWTIN JR.: I mean, I have a great relationship with everybody, at the end of the day. And that's the one thing I like about this team, you know? We're all very close-knit. Everybody loves to be around each other.

We're steadily in the gym, even without practice, just working out, talking, hanging out, just communicating, just being around each other. So no, I love everybody on this team and this organization. And we just-- it's just happy to be around them.

AMIT MANN: That's a great, diplomatic answer. Man, [? league ?] this man. [? League ?] him. He's Jeff Dowtin, Jr., of the Toronto Raptors. Man, it was so much fun talking to you. Thanks so much.

JEFF DOWTIN JR.: Thank you for having me.

AMIT MANN: I appreciate you.

JEFF DOWTIN JR.: Thank you.