Pascal Siakam says Justin Champagnie is his son, Champagnie disagrees
Toronto Raptors forward Pascal Siakam takes playful exception to a question about learning from Justin Champagnie and Justin Champagnie chimes in on the matter.
Video Transcript
- You've also been putting up big rebounding numbers as well lately. So just wondering, you working alongside Justin, has has he helped you? Has he helped you?
PASCAL SLAKAM: Oh, man that's funny. No, Justin is my son. I'm helping him all the way around. But, no. For me, I just think for me, I've been really making an effort to do it.
Sometimes it's going to work, sometimes it's not. This night I'm going to have five rebounds, this night I'm going to have 15. You know what I'm saying? So I think that I'm just willing to do that. And it's just giving that extra effort to run them down, I think that's what I've been focused on.
JUSTIN CHAMPAGNIE: I want the record to know that Pascal is my son. But continue.
- I mean, we can elaborate on that because Pascal had said that you taught him, I mean, that he was the one teaching you how to rebound. But there just seems to be something about the ways in which you have this energy that I think we've talked about. How does that show up and translate when it comes to your success when it comes to the boards?
JUSTIN CHAMPANGIE: I just think that when you got a lot of energy and you play with a lot of enthusiasm, a lot of guys can't really match that kind of energy if they're already playing. I don't play that many minutes.
I have a lot more energy coming off the bench, though. Those guys who've been in the game get tired and don't want to really go hard for the rebound. So that's where I slip in. I take a few offensive boards and some defensive boards and just really just bring some energy and get the team going.