
Leafs' demons won't discriminate based on playoff opponent

Unlike other NHL powerhouses, the Maple Leafs appear vulnerable to defeat against any opponent so where they finish in the standings may not ultimately be as important as exercising Toronto's postseason demons.

Video Transcript

JULIAN MCKENZIE: That's actually a good idea. I think we should do an entire segment, where we just put together a list of different Toronto Maple Leafs opponents. And we say will they or won't they beat them? Dude, we should have done that today.

JUSTIN CUTHBERT: Will they beat the Buffalo Sabers? Will they beat the Carolina-- we just go through all.


OMAR: No, but [? here's ?] the thing. You know how when you're a good team-- and obviously, yes, you can always lose to bad teams, but teams like Tampa will say, hey, we go you go through the schedule. We expect to win here, a win there, a win there, a win there. We have this back-to-back against a team that's in the bottom. Five you might expect a loss here or whatever.

But for the Leafs, I genuinely do not know, and I'm not being hyperbolic because just things happen. And again, I think Paul McClain in that documentary, which we don't need a second season of, said it best, man. They have demons literally, and it doesn't come down to ability.

I think it just comes down to just being in similar situations and just, I guess, reverting back to how they felt before. And I think if they're going to win a playoff series, it's going to come down to literally them just saying we're not going to let this happen again. And as cheesy as it sounds, that sounds very Disney Channel, but literally, someone just needs to stand up in that room and say we're not going to let this happen again.

And I can see it. They're going to give up the first goal of that series, regardless [INAUDIBLE]. They're going to be like down 2-0 after at the end of the first period. It's just going to come down to someone just standing up and saying we are not going to let this happen again.

JULIAN MCKENZIE: Now is the time.

OMAR: Yeah, exactly, now's the time. Think of when Tampa Bay was like screwing around with Columbus. Then they came back and frickin' stomped them, so that's what they need. And until that happens, who knows.