
Fantasy Baseball Stock Watch - Is Yandy Díaz a top-50 hitter?

Yahoo Fantasy analyst Scott Pianowski looks at the rising fantasy stock of the Rays' infielder and pitcher who's value is on the decline.

Video Transcript

SCOTT PIANOWSKI: Scott Pianowski, Yahoo Sportsbook. Going to do some fantasy baseball stocks today, one player on the way up, one player on the way down.

How about Yandy Diaz taking control of that leadoff spot in Tampa Bay on base percentage well over 400? He's already past last year's home run total. That's impressive. And he was a part time player, a productive part time player last year.

This year, he plays every day, parked in that leadoff spot, outstanding metrics for hard hit, outstanding metrics for walks and strikeouts. He spits on all the borderline pitches. I think he's a top 50 hitter the rest of the year. And Tampa Bay has the best offensive baseball, nothing wrong with him leadoff for a team playing like that.

Shane Bieber in Cleveland going to get the stock watch down. He makes me nervous. I know the ERA is just over three, but according to the Statcast data, his ERA should be over 5. And the alarming thing here is his swinging strike rate has collapsed and his fastball velocity is down to 91.1. This guy couldn't get a ticket to school zone right now. Shane Bieber may be pitching hurt.

If nothing else, the velocity has dipped. He's not getting swings and misses. I think it's only a matter of time before that ERA, really collapses. If you're a Shane Bieber manager, quietly say you want to trade a pitcher and hope you can get him on somebody else's team.