
Can Elly De La Cruz cruise past his goal of 80 stolen bases this season? | Baseball Bar-B-Cast

Yahoo Sports senior MLB analyst Jordan Shusterman and senior MLB analyst Jake Mintz react to Elly De La Cruz's successful base stealing so far this season and predict that he will definitely surpass his goal of 80 stolen bases. Hear the full conversation on the “Baseball Bar-B-Cast” podcast - and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen.

Video Transcript

Uh My good is a De La Cruz ever heard of him?

Uh Sam Miller wrote about this in his fantastic uh sub stack of Pebble hunting, which I encourage everyone to subscribe to.

But this is something that I I've I've mentioned and I mentioned earlier this week, I really don't think people are quite understanding how often Ellie is running.

We are really at little league levels of Oh, well, there he goes.


You, you, you talked about this comparing it to your, your kids earlier this week.

But, but that's what's happening.

And Elio de La Cruz is at 30 steals.

Jake, we talked about the Phillies being the 1st 30 wins.

A De La Cruz is at 30 steals.

He talked before the season about how his goal was 80.

Uh That ain't gonna be a problem if this man stays healthy as he is 13 ahead of second place Jose Caballero.

Um This is a good, uh tweet from Bryce Spalding who is a, a Reds fan who I enjoy his, his content.

He said last year, Ronda Cunha led baseball last year with 73 steals.

He did not reach 30 until June 16th in the 70th game of the season.

Ellie has 30 on May 16th in game 45.

That is just ridiculous.

And I am so impressed and I just cannot believe that he, I, again, yeah.

Ok. Well, we don't compare him to Ricky.

Ricky didn't, wasn't able to steal every time because the pitchers can only throw over so often.

And the bases are pizza boxes and like, yeah, that's all true.

Um, but Ellie is in a class of his own and I'm glad he's like, oh yeah, ok, I'm the fastest player in the league and you're gonna let me run like this.

It is so, so, so great.

And the other reason is that it makes him getting caught, this is something that like we really have not had, I guess, sort of a trade turner a little bit, but like Ronald gets caught all the time, he's getting picked off whatever.

Like they are fast players get picked all the time, but like Elliot getting caught now is such an exciting event, you know, like for the other team in a way, you know, Austin Barnes throw my last night.

So I just love everything about this.

Um There's another thing that I'm going to say for my.

So anyway, but that's, he's, he's amazing.

I love him so much.