
Christian Koloko has confidence in his 3-point shooting

Amit Mann is joined by Raptors rookie Christian Koloko to discuss the confidence he has in his 3-point shot and why he doesn't take many in games. Listen to the full episode on the 'Raptors Over Everything' podcast feed or watch on our YouTube channel.

Video Transcript

AMIT MANN: I also want to ask you about your 3-point shooting. Because going back to the draft, I spoke to a fella named Rafael Barlowe, who spoke to you around the Combine time. And you were saying that, I'm shooting 3's every single day. I'm working on this. When the Raptors brought you in, they said, yeah, we think he's got some shooting ability. Gary Trent, Jr., mentioned he did not hesitate passing you the ball when you made that big shot against Phoenix. So tell me. If you took-- if I pass you the ball 100 times around the court, corner, corner, 45, 45 above the break, 100 catch-and-shoot 3's--


AMIT MANN: --20 each spot, how many would you guesstimate you would make?

CHRISTIAN KOLOKO: Oh, I don't know. But I know for sure I would be over-- over 50% for sure.

AMIT MANN: Over 50%?

CHRISTIAN KOLOKO: I know I'm going to be over 50%. Every time I practice my 3-point shot, you know, I feel like I can shoot the basketball. That's just something-- I just feel like this team-- that's not what this team needs from me, so I'm never going to force a shot. If I'm open, I'm going to shoot it. And my few-- couple of 3's with the Raptors, you know, I wasn't really confident shooting them.

You know, I was kind of scared. I was hesitating, perhaps. Should I shoot it? Should I not shoot it? But I feel like, right now, I mean, if I'm open, I'm going to take even more, you know, with more confidence. And I feel-- I know the coach is not going to get mad at me. Because, like I said, I'm always in the gym working on my shots after practice. And I feel like I have a pretty good shot.

AMIT MANN: Is that something that could be worked into the offense? Because usually you're a roller. And that's a good idea, because of your leaping ability, playing above the rim. Like the Raptors need that aspect. That's why, again, I thought that you could be playing-- doing what you're doing exactly right now going into the season. But do you imagine that there could be a situation, at least like this season, where you could be, you know, asked to be like in that corner and spacing the floor?

CHRISTIAN KOLOKO: I mean, yeah. I mean, if Coach-- I think Coach already did it a couple of times this year, even though maybe the play wasn't to pass me the ball. But most of the time, when I go stand in the corner, and the guy who's guarding me, he literally stayed in the paint. So he's not guarding me. So I feel like some time maybe. I don't know. It depends. That's-- that's a question to ask Coach. But I'm always going to be ready to shoot it.

I'm always going to be ready to shoot it. And I feel like in the future, that's something I'm really going to continue to add on my game being that became [INAUDIBLE] guy, you know? Right now, I'm rolling on every screen. Because, you know, I want to be that lob threat, to put that pressure on the rim. And I feel like in the future, the way the game is going, you got to be able to shoot the ball. And that's why I continue to work on my shot.