
Zeroli speaks about his idols, abate, and feeling of ‘family’ with Milan

Zeroli speaks about his idols, abate, and feeling of ‘family’ with Milan
Zeroli speaks about his idols, abate, and feeling of ‘family’ with Milan

Kevin Zeroli is one of the diamonds inside AC Milan’s Primavera ranks, and he played a key role for the side this season. After the season’s conclusion, Zeroli has given an interview to speak about the season and how he feels at the club.

There are so many shining lights within the youth ranks, and perhaps they are headlined by Kevin Zeroli. The young midfielder grew up in Busto Arsizio and is a boyhood Milan fan who is now living the dream, captaining his club, and with a clear pathway to the first team following his contract extension.

Additionally, he led the Primavera to their first UEFA Youth League final, where they unfortunately lost. However, his leadership qualities shone throughout, as did his other qualities.

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Following the season’s conclusion, he spoke to the club’s official channels about life at Milan and his inspirations during an episode of ‘Homegrown’ and his comments have been relayed by Radio Rossonera.

What Milan represents and how he got there…

“If I have to say it in one-word family. It’s a club that raised me and is giving me a lot. I played for a few months in an oratory team in Busto Arsizio. Milan called my brother for a tryout. He was shy and they asked me to play some dribbles with him. From there the tryout and then they took me. That was when I was five years old.”

His idols…

“As a child, I really liked Iniesta for the way he played and his personality. Today I am inspired by Bellingham. I know I have to grow a lot. Yes, when I played abroad some commentators joked that I was Gullit’s son. He was great. I’m happy to be compared to him, but there is a lot of difference.”

On his debut against Sassuolo…

‘When Pioli called me, my legs trembled and I got anxious, but once I got in I let myself go. In front of the San Siro and the fans, it was beautiful. I remember Pioli’s ‘Kevin come’. Once I got inside I couldn’t feel or understand anything. I felt inside a bubble. Florenzi is a big brother, he teases me for the way I talk, but he gives me a lot of advice.”

On Abate…

“He changed my mentality and how to attack the goal, how to score goals. Things that before maybe I didn’t give too much importance to. He taught me how to be a leader. He helped me a lot. He changed me so much, even in being a man and playing with the big boys.”