
10-year-old Blues fan battling rare disease will be at Game 3


Back in November the St. Louis Blues introduced us to one of their strongest fans, Laila Anderson, a ten-year-old girl battling hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis — HLH — a disease so rare only 15 other children in the world have been diagnosed with the condition.

The Blues helped raise awareness for Laila’s illness by hosting a Be The Match registry at their November 19th game, with hopes to find a bone marrow donor for her and other children. By December, the perfect match was found and Laila was able to continue treatment, which she completed just in time for a special surprise.

During her battle with HLH, Laila has only been able to visit to two places: her home and the St. Louis Children's Hospital. Her mother, Heather, surprised the Blues’ superfan with the heartwarming news that she would be able to return to Enterprise Center for Game 3 to cheer on her beloved Blues.

Heather shared with how young Laila’s hockey idols have helped her fight such a devastating disease so valiantly.

"These boys are what keep her going; she is motivated by them. It just really touched her heart and she just says everyday, 'I'm going to keep fighting, mommy. I'm going to keep fighting for them.’"

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