
WeBuild Present San Siro Renovation Plans To Inter Milan & AC Milan – Decision Expected Within Ten Days

WeBuild Present San Siro Renovation Plans To Inter Milan & AC Milan – Decision Expected Within Ten Days

WeBuild have presented their plans for renovating the San Siro to Inter Milan and AC Milan.

This according to Milan-based newspaper Corriere della Sera, via FCInterNews. The newspaper anticipate that the clubs will make their decision within the next ten days.

On Friday, representatives from architectural firm WeBuild met with Inter, Milan, and Milan Mayor Beppe Sala.

The firm presented their plans to renovate the San Siro to modernize the stadium.

And the Corriere della Sera have revealed the details of WeBuild’s plans.

The most significant aspect of construction concerns the first tier of seating at the San Siro. WeBuild propose to completely demolish the tier, replacing it with a new first tier.

This tier would include more sky boxes. That would allow for more high-priced hospitality seating.

WeBuild’s plan would increase the number of premium seats from 2900 to 13,000. This would allow Inter and Milan to increase their matchday revenues from the stadium.

WeBuild Present San Siro Plans To Inter & AC Milan

It is not just the reconstruction of the first tier of the San Siro that WeBuild are proposing, though.

The firm are also proposing to remove the illuminated board overlooking Via Piccolomini, in order to make room for more seating.

This would be to make up for the loss of capacity as a result of changes to the first tier. The plan is to retain a capacity of 72-74,000 at the iconic stadium.

Meanwhile, WeBuild also plan to remove the third tier of the stadium.

There would then also be the construction of a 9000 square metre walkway in front of gates eight, nine, and ten of the stadium.

This would be to connect the stadium to a club museum. There would also be the possibility of building more commercial developments.

The two clubs could have the opportunity to further boost revenue with the addition of bars, restaurants, shops, and offices.

The Corriere della Sera note that WeBuild have proposed to bring in an Australian construction company specializing in stadium redevelopment.

The firm are hoping to assuage Inter and Milan’s concerns about whether construction would disrupt their playing schedule.

WeBuild aim to convince the clubs that almost all construction would be carried out between the months of May and September.

That way, there would be minimal disruption. Inter and Milan could continue to play at the San Siro during the regular season.

And WeBuild are also promising to complete construction within three years.

Now, the Corriere della Sera report, the ball is in the court of the Nerazzurri and the Rossoneri.

The two clubs are also keeping their alternative plans open. The former in Rozzano, and the latter in San Donato.

The wait for a decision by the clubs won’t be long, reports the Corriere della Sera. The newspaper anticipates Inter and Milan’s decision within ten days.