
Webb on player budgets, Levein and European hopes

Adam Webb and Geoff Brown

New St Johnstone owner Adam Webb has been speaking to the media after taking over from Geoff Brown.

Here are the key points from his press conference:

  • Webb says he always wanted to take control of a club in Scotland. He also admits Brown was a key factor, as the chance to take over a club that was stable and "not a ticking time bomb".

  • Understands fan concerns about an overseas owner taking charge but talked about his background in football, and says Stan Harris will remain as chairman for stability.

  • His vision for the future is to make the club a more valuable proposition but insists he wants to keep it on a sustainable path.

  • Wants to take the club into the top half of the Premiership and into Europe, as well as regularly competing in domestic cups; he believes all of those are achievable.

  • Says he won't throw money at the club but there will be resources going into the club. Adds that the budget for players has gone up; there is a figure in mind but there is wiggle room should good options arise.

  • Adds that he has full faith in Craig Levein, was impressed with what he did in the last window and thinks he'll get them playing good attractive football.