
Warm Chicken Salad Is A Comforting Twist On The Classic Dish

A scooper scoops chicken salad out of a metal tray
A scooper scoops chicken salad out of a metal tray - Lauripatterson/Getty Images

A classic chicken salad is often a crowd favorite thanks to its satisfyingly creamy textures and innate versatility. Whether you prefer a scoop of the stuff on a sandwich or in a bowl, a chicken salad can go both ways, so you can always switch it up. Plus, this timeless comfort food's adaptability extends beyond the many different ways you can serve it. For example, while chicken salad is commonly consumed cold, it tastes just as good when served piping hot.

Eating your chicken salad warm is an underrated way to enjoy this otherwise basic dish, making for extra gooey textures and flavors that melt together perfectly. Beyond elevating the taste, warming up chicken salad also means you can try out some new ingredients in this dish, too. For example, adding some shredded cheddar cheese on top of your usual chicken salad ingredients makes for a fun new take on this familiar plate. Add the perfect subtle crunch to the creamy, cheesy dish with sliced almonds.

Whether you enjoy a Waldorf-style chicken salad or some spicy cajun varieties, any form of this dish can benefit from a slight change in temperature. So, for chicken salad fanatics everywhere who have yet to stray from the traditional, now might be the time to consider turning up the heat!

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How To Make This Classic Cold Dish Warm

Casserole in a ceramic dish
Casserole in a ceramic dish - Solnuha/Getty Images

There are many great kitchen tools that can heat up a chicken salad, but one of the most popular techniques chefs have tried is baking a chicken salad in the oven. To make your chicken salad using this method, simply mix all of your chosen salad ingredients in a bowl, pour it all into a shallow casserole dish, and bake until it's heated through. It's as simple as that to elevate a classic comfort.

Another way to make this unexpected take on a chicken salad come to life is with the help of a slow cooker. The beauty of this kitchen tool is that you can just dump your ingredients in and let them cook while you get on with your day. Remember, cooking your salad low and slow for about three to four hours is always best to ensure these ingredients melt together seamlessly and become extra juicy.

While you might be used to scooping chicken salad while it's cold, it looks just as good when this creamy mixture is served up bubbling and roasting hot. So, if you're eager to try this dish for yourself, here are some fun ways to enjoy it beyond serving it solo on a plate.

Different Ways To Serve Up Your Warm Chicken Salad

Chicken salad on a croissant
Chicken salad on a croissant - Lauripatterson/Getty Images

Just like with a regular chicken salad, you can also serve the hot variety on a plate atop a lettuce leaf. Sandwiching a scoop between two halves of a croissant also makes for a deliciously light and fluffy sandwich with a subtly sweet edge. Next, you can also try serving warm chicken salad on some toasted bread or a hoagie roll for a crunchy compliment, mimicking the flavor of similar sandwich combinations like the ever-popular buffalo chicken sandwich. Rolling up a scoop of chicken salad in a wrap is also a great way to serve this dish, as is scooping it up like a warm dip with some salted crackers.

There are many different ways to enjoy this dish, and there are tons of great recipes out there for warm chicken salad to choose from. Don't knock this take on a classic dish until you try it -- even if you're not a fan, you can always wait until it cools.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.