
Virginia Zoo Introduces Rare Baby Hippo Over Christmas Weekend

Virginia Zoo Introduces Rare Baby Hippo Over Christmas Weekend

The Metro Richmond Zoo in Virginia got a hippopotamus for Christmas.

On Christmas Eve, the Virginia Zoo announced the birth of a rare pygmy hippo. While the little animal made its social debut over Christmas weekend, the hippo was born on Dec. 6.

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"This little nugget was born on December 6 to Iris and Corwin. At 3 days old, the baby had a neonatal exam. Our veterinary team checked her sex and general physical condition. She weighed a healthy 16 pounds. One week later, she clocked in at 24.2 pounds. Just look at her on that scale! When she's full-grown, she could weigh up to 600 pounds," the Metro Richmond Zoo shared on Facebook.

According to the facility, Iris is an experienced mother and is doing well after the birth of her daughter. She and the calf are both healthy, and the unnamed baby hippo is nursing well.

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baby pygmy hippo
baby pygmy hippo

Metro Richmond Zoo

The mother and daughter hippos are off-exhibit in a cozy, hay-bedded enclosure, so they have time to bond. Once the calf is a bit older, she will start taking swimming lessons in an indoor swimming area that is visible to zoo guests.

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baby pygmy hippo
baby pygmy hippo

Metro Richmond Zoo

Before the baby hippo can make her public zoo debut, she needs a name. On December 26, the Metro Richmond Zoo posted on Facebook asking its followers to share their name suggestions for the adorable new arrival.

Pygmy hippos are native to West Africa and are listed as endangered on the IUCN Red list, according to the zoo. An estimated 2,500 adult pygmy hippos remain in the wild.