
Your views on Gordon links

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After Liverpool reportedly turned down an offer to buy Anthony Gordon - one which would send Jarrel Quansah the other way to Newcastle - we asked for your thoughts on the proposed deal.

Here are some of your comments:

Jack: Absolutely agree with the decision, Gordon is just another over rated English player and we have plenty of options on the left side!

Ant: Liverpool currently have plenty of good options in forward positions but are lacking in decent quality at the back. Definitely need to keep hold of Quansah, he has the potential to be a leading central defender for the club for years to come. I would still like to see Gordon at Liverpool, but it needs to be a deal not involving Quansah.

Ethan: I was so annoyed when I found out they turned down this offer. I think should carry on fighting for Gordon, even if they do swap him for Quansah. I think that Liverpool are strong enough in defence but not strong enough in attack and I think that Gordon could bring that strength Liverpool so desperately need.

Andy: Gordon is not up to the standard of the Reds players. Compared to us having Diaz and Mane before him, I’d give the proposal a solid no.

Neil: I don't think we need Gordon and he's an ex-Blue so it wouldn't go down well in my household. Van Dijk is no spring chicken anymore so we must keep Quansah at all costs. So yes, correct decision.