
--Twelfth NewsWatch--



A Montreal university is asking the Quebec Superior Court to prohibit pro-Palestinian protesters from setting up tents and other material near campus buildings.

Protesters set up an encampment at the Universite du Quebec a Montreal on May 12th, demanding the university cut ties with Israeli institutions and disclose its links to Israel.

They also want the Quebec government to cancel plans for a diplomatic office in the country.

U-QAM (yoo-KAM') is citing a number of safety risks posed by protesters occupying about 40 tents in the inner courtyard of its science centre. (12)



A New Brunswick appeals court says the province's lieutenant-governor is not required to be fluent in both French and English.

The Court of Appeal has reversed a lower-court ruling that said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau violated constitutional language protections when he appointed anglophone Brenda Murphy as lieutenant-governor in 2019.

New Brunswick is Canada's only officially bilingual province.

The Acadian Society of New Brunswick argued Murphy's appointment violated the right to communicate with and receive services from the government in either French or English.

The Court of Appeal panel says while it is desirable for the province's lieutenant-governor to be bilingual, the Constitution doesn't impose such a requirement. (12)



The risk of wildfire in Alberta is lower thanks to cool, wet weather over the past week.

Alberta Forestry Minister Todd Loewen says there are 30 fires burning in the province, with four considered under control.

A fire near the northern oilsands hub of Fort McMurray is listed as being held.

The fire forced about six-thousand residents in some neighbourhoods out for several days last week. (12)


(Lumby-Murder) (Audio: 089)

The mayor of the village of Lumby, B-C says the community remains on edge following the disappearance and death of 44-year-old resident Tatjana (tat-YAH'-na) Stefanski last month.

Her body was found a day after police say she "departed unexpectedly'' with her ex-husband in a vehicle on April 13th.

A man police say is believed to be involved in the death was arrested, but was freed with conditions.

Residents of the small community say they are alarmed and are wondering why charges haven't been laid. (12)


(BKW-WNBA-Toronto) (Audio: 076)

The first W-N-B-A team to expand north of the border is being billed at "Canada's team."

Toronto will be home to a new professional women's basketball league team, after Kilmer Sports Ventures was awarded a W-N-B-A franchise.

Chairman Larry Tanenbaum says the team will also play in other Canadian markets, including Vancouver and Montreal.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and rapper Drake were among those who joined Tenenbaum for the announced at a downtown hotel today.

Toronto's W-N-B-A team will start playing in May 2026. (12)


(US-Ticketmaster-Antitrust-Lawsuit) (Audio: 078)

The U-S Justice Department alleges Ticketmaster and parent company Live Nation Entertainment run an illegal monopoly over live events, driving up prices for fans.

The sweeping antitrust lawsuit filed in New York was brought with 30 state and district attorneys general.

It seeks to break up the monopoly they say is squeezing out smaller promoters, hurting artists and slapping fans with endless fees.

Ticketmaster is the world's largest ticket seller, distributing more than 620-million tickets through its systems last year. (12)


(NewsWatch by Emily Joveski)

The Canadian Press