
TVO - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 11:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

(Christi) When we learn to listen and govern ourselves according to the natural laws that already exist, this planet is a paradise. Everything we need is here The Wisdom of the Universe shows us that every living thing is precious and that each one is connected. By revealing all the wonder that surrounds us, the artwork calls us to take action and protect it. (Christi) The hope is not in the painting. The hope is in you. Join us as we decode Canadian art and understand why looking at art matters. You want me to what? You want me to go around the world... 80 days? It was game changing. It's changed travel programs forever. That was where the fun began. I'm standing on the top of the world! Britain was to send an ambassador abroad. I mean, we could do a lot worse than send Michael Palin. ANNOUNCER:But this time, Michael Palin is travelling back to revisit some of his most memorable adventures. It's better than first class. Anything could happen, and you have to be able to deal with it. It was actually unrehearsed. This was a whole new fresh way of looking at the world. But he was in there with the people! Whether around the world, from pool to pool, the pacific rim, the Sahara, and the Himalayas. That kind of travelling, you are learning things all the time. Michael Palin: Travels of aLifetime. Begins Friday at 10pm. May is Leave A Legacy month. During this month we're asking you to consider the impact that you can make by leaving a gift in your will to TVO. By doing so you support TVO's commitment to fostering lifelong learning and providing equitable access to educational resources for all Ontarians. Your gift ensures that TVO can continue to innovate and create programming that reflects diverse perspectives enriching the lives of people and strengthening communities across the province. Your legacy could help shape the future. So thanks for considering this. (Serene music) RACHEL PERKINS:This is where we remember the people who diefighting for our country. They all say,"lest we forget," but Australia's memoryis selective. The foundation ofAustralian law was that the Aboriginal peoplehad no property rights. It was basically killand claim the land. And it's as horrificas you can possibly imagine. And for any military commander,it's a slippery slope from warto war crime. MAN: The Aborigines were veryeffective adversaries. They knew the countrylike the back of their hand. They're our heroes. Our heroes are invisible,like our history. And surely, this storydeserves to be remembered. Lest we forget. Begins June 3rd. ANNOUNCER: Take two politicians... You're coming around I can feel it, just wait till tomorrow. With opposing points of view... How do you compare a statue, to children's remains that are being found in residential schools? And send them on a blind date to debate an issue. I don't believe that there are any significant number of real racists. I disagree with you, like, 100%. Can political rivals find common ground? Watch your step, she's gonna rock. Political Blind Date. A TVOOriginal. Begins Next Wednesday at 7pm. REPORTER:The doctor has confirmed that a former Russian spy, fighting for his life-- (French reporters) ANNOUNCER:Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin have been implicated in numerous cases of poisoning over the last 20 years. For Putin, it's a way to send a message to others. Anybody who crosses him ends up dead, in jail, or in exile. And each poisoning is a move in a game of political chess. From Litvinenko, to Magnitsky. It was shocking hearing that testimony of the Russian treatment of a critic who dared to highlight corruption.

From Navalny... To the war in Ukraine. Continues next Wednesday at 9. >> Narrator: "the agenda" with steve paikin is made possible through generous philanthropic contributions from viewers like you. Thank you for supporting tvo's journalism. >> Steve: tonight on "the agenda"... >> Speaker: I think this election is really a referendum on where mississauga was to go on the next 50 years. Does it want to continue to sever their commuters of toronto to come to work or is it really see itself in a vision as a city? >> Steve: for much of the last half century or so, many people have regarded mississauga as that bedroom community next to toronto. But, of course, it is much more than that. Over the years, mississauga has grown to be ontario's second largest economy and third largest city by population. Now, for the first time in more than four decades, there's a real mayor's race where the outcome is anything but assured. The next mayor will continue mississauga's transformation from suburb to city, and has the potential to become a significant player in a vote-rich area that will undoubtedly be a factor in future federal and provincial elections. And with that, let's welcome, in hamilton, ontario, zachary spicer, associate professor at york university's school of public policy and administration. And with us here in studio, sue shanly, chair of the mississauga residents' association network, rahul mehta, policy director at more homes mississauga, and noor javed, who covers the 905 for the toronto star. It's great to have e3 here here in our studio and zachary nice to have you on the line as well. 45 years and only two mayors. Hazel mccalla and anne bonnie crombie who of course has left to become the --there's been a election, voting is june the tenth and if you haven't followed the campaign so far, noor will get us up-to-date here on the food the candidates are. >> Noor: sure there is 20 people running for mayor. There are clear front wonders, and it's only been a few polls that have come out on the last month or two and think it's interesting that 4 members of council are running and they have kind of become the front runners. Out of those and based on polling, carolyn parrish who is a household name for many in canada has had a clear lead in the polls. And a bit behind her is the liberal mpp and alvin ted joe who is on counsel who has been quite vocal on a lot of the progressive things policies and third and hued asko the counsellor has a close forth I guess you could say, it's close party much at this point. So those are the 4 main front runners but there is 20 or 16 other candidates people are looking for a different voice. >> Steve: to follow up, carolyn parrish might know because she was a long time member, alvin ted ran for the leadership against steve del duca, that was a contest ago, those names maybe familiar for that reason. Zachary, to you next. What do you think people are looking for in a mayor right now? >> Zachary: they are looking for policy positions for sure, housing is top of mind, absolutely. So is affordability. But looking back at mississauga's recent history I think what they are really looking for is a champion for the city. The last two previous mayors have been very very vocal champions, very prominent provincial actors as well and I think that voters are also kind of looking for someone who will shift that image to a certain degree along with an issue alignment, that is protecting the city right now. >> Steve: let me get you on that soup. What are people looking? For in mayor. >> Sue: they are looking for someone who is a leader for the city and a voice for the residents I think that's kind of been lacking. And we need to have somebody that can keep strong, we have a lot of challenges facing us. Got the province that we are dealing with, bill 23, bill 112, we've got a lot. >> Steve: what do these numbers mean? >> Sue: bill 23 is the more homes built faster, which means that the ford government is

mandating intensification in mississauga. >> Steve: some people like that and some people don't. >> Sue: exactly mississauga has an effective plan and it's got planners, it's got specialists and they've spent years coming up with these plans and have them trumped by the province is not necessarily a very good thing. >> Steve: rahul how would you answer that question? >> Rahul: I think there's a real contrast here for being in the city itself you are seeing a lot of celebrations of mississauga turning 50 are now and yet people are not celebrating they are asking if they will have a future in the city, because they know reaching urban boundaries we won't be able to build and move to the same way we always have. I think there's going to be this potential disconnect, this risk of your traditional voter who is fairly well-established here, we know voter turnout is low. What are their issues in contrast to the existing populations that's having trouble to stay here, how are they going to continue to live here, how will they continue to move here were will there be a contrast between the voters argument of crime and taxes as opposed to we have a lot of things we need to find money for that we don't have right now. >> Steve: I remember sue when you could buy a house in mississauga for $100,000. How much is it now? >> Sue: I believe the average price is 800,000. >> Steve: no kidding. Unbelievable. And that's one of the big problems, how do you keep seniors staying in place, aging in place and how can young people afford to say in mississauga? >> Steve: noor, I wonder if sometimes in these election campaigns there's not a symbol's worth of difference, how about in this one, do they divert on any major issues in a major way? >> Noor: a good question and that's what I've asked them all, your priorities are all similar, affordability, more housing supply, good --how would anybody who's coming into this blind know who to vote for? They do give me like a little bit in an shear and inched there in terms of difference but I think a lot of voters will look at, if they are keen to look at that voting record of these candidates, they will look at where candidates stand on social positions, international positions, mississauga is such a diverse community, a lot people are looking at I've heard from that muse --muslim community, asking which politician is taking a --people are looking at distancing it might not be a local priority, it might be international priority. I know that has come up I think some candidates are also have taken a positions on transit or biking lanes in terms of do we want more biking lanes, do we want --there's been a lot of discussion around housing, one candidate in particular, has kind of come out as a more progressive candidate on housin housing, so he's seen as someone pushing for progressive more density and more ways of bringing youth and he is icing for that youth vote were someone like carolyn parrish is well known for many years and has been on counsel for decades and a lot of people who are well established who know what they will get our kind of looking at carolyn parrish. >> Steve: zachary can we get you to follow-up on that, anything on the candidates you can see? >> Zachary: we haven't seen a ton on the policy front but for me one of the more interesting components is the generational shift between some of the candidates. We have candidates who are more well-known, more established who have been fixtures of the city's politics for 30 plus years and we have a younger generation of candidates who are a bit more progressive on things like housing, affordability and stuff like that. For me that's one of the big things to look at here as well as what does that younger generation want and certainly younger candidates who are willing to step up and championed some of those issues. >> Steve: that's interesting. You see the major difference in policy areas or generations in this campaign? >> Rahul: I wish I sought more difference in policy area, to northpoint point, we don't see it in the past but I flushed out platform to the topic that is present for people. Housing is not a luxury for people like myself or residents who are turned to find a reason to stay. And we are having to fall back on these kind of traditions of okay, the name recognition, the competence advantage and for young voters it might be voting in the federal and provincial level but one would argue that if we don't see that kind of cooperation as well, again contention issue with blur street and the bike lane. I think if you see that focus

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