
Trent’s England Snub Can Create More Anfield Greatness

Trent’s England Snub Can Create More Anfield Greatness
Trent’s England Snub Can Create More Anfield Greatness

Trent’s England Snub Can Create More Anfield Greatness

For some extraordinary reason, Liverpool’s world class playmaker and fullback, Trent Alexander-Arnold, has struggled to break into England’s Euro 2024 starting lineup since the opening group games of the competition. Given the clear managerial limitations of Gareth Southgate and his lack of tactical awareness, the former Middlesbrough boss has continued to select those he has undying trust for, instead of someone that may help well push an ineffectual Three Lions team to summer glory, with brilliance and ingenuity. At the end of England’s quarter-final win over Switzerland, the Liverpool fanbase could at least celebrate that their famous homegrown talent had secured his tournament moment, as he expertly dispatched the final spot kick of the penalty shootout. Despite this, it is almost a certainty that’s Trent’s international manager will persevere with the mundane system and personnel for his sides semi-final matchup against the Netherlands, which is hours away as I write this.

I wonder how that last part will age…

How Could the European Championships Affect Liverpool’s Vice Captain…?

Despite being once slightly concerned about the future allegiance of the homegrown talent, I am now confident that the 25-year-old will sign a new contract, one that is currently due to expire in just a years’ time. I wrote just after the resumption of last season, that I feared an explosive run of games in central midfield (for England), may see the ambitious playmaker look at opportunities away from Anfield. I suspect that the somewhat humbling group stage and knockout games undertaken since, will instead see a renewed determination instilled into the Liverpool vice-captain. As Arne Slot presides over his squad in the initial stages of preseason, there is no doubt that conversations would have been held between himself and his stars, those that are still representing their countries in either the Euros or the Copa America. A promise of reassurance and desire (from Slot) to achieve great things can be the combination that brings player and new head coach together, as the historic club look to transition away from the illustrious days Jürgen Klopp.

Can the Next Version of Liverpool Bring the Best Out Of TAA…?

There will of course be varied speculation surrounding any incoming players and altered systems of play, however, I fully expect those patterns of play to match the strengths of the 29-cap England International for the coming season. What we saw only a few weeks ago, was a confident and expectant England number 8, who was primed to enjoy a magnificent season ending Championships. That dream soon turned to disappointment, equalled by disbelief from many of the watching pundits, as England’s International manager opted instead for far less talented alternatives ahead of the Liverpool star. Due to this, what may emerge next season is an elite level talent with a remit to prove to the world that he should be centre stage for both club and country. From my own selfish point of view and without any bias, I foresee a glittering campaign ahead, built to showcase undoubted brilliance, one that could drive Trent Alexander Arnold to even greater heights.

Southgate may not believe in Trent Alexander Arnold, however, a certain German manager once did. Based upon those differing opinions, I know the football knowledge I am choosing to back.