
'Totally convinced of third-placed finish'

your views graphic

We asked for your views on where Aberdeen will be 10 games into the new Premiership season after the fixtures were announced.

Here’s what some of you said:

Peter: Given that Jimmy Thelin is new to the league it can go two ways. Either we are in and around the top three due to Thelin’s new approach and good reactions from players or the players are still getting used to the systems being put in place and we’re around mid-table.

Chris: Ideally we'd be looking for 15 points after the first 10 games, it's not a ridiculously high target and one that should be achievable.

Niall: With Thelin giving the Dons players a clean slate they're all playing for their places and, hopefully, out to impress the new management team. A very shrewd piece of business with Dimitar Mitov joining and the start of a rebuild from the back.

Donald: Will we still have Bojan Miovski and Duk? Both are doubtful to still be Dons for next season. Thelin has got to realise this and must aim to strengthen the squad accordingly and in a very timely manner, please!

Allan: With out being too adventurous I think there’s a good chance that we can take 10 points out of the 12 points available in August, on top of a strong League Cup campaign and build from there.

Trevor: It is difficult to assess where the Dons will be after 10 games because they have yet another new manager. One can only hope the fine form in the latter part of last season with Peter Leven in charge will be carried forward into the new season. I believe they will do this and will be handily placed in the league.

Paul: He's going to need time to get the players we are keeping and the new ones in to gel. Not too fussed where we are, within reason!

Stuart: I think Aberdeen will be third in the table at that stage and I’m totally convinced they will cement that position throughout the season.

Jim: I hope to see Aberdeen with eight or so unbeaten in the first ten. Ideally of course 10, but let's be realistic. If six of those eight are wins, I would deem it an exceptional start for Jimmy. Most importantly at that stage though is no cheap goals conceded, and a reasonable chance conversion.