
Toronto Wolfpack has unique gameday experience

Toronto is a city with an embarrassment of riches when it comes to a sports team to root for. With each different sport comes a different fan experience. And T.O’s newest team may offer one of the best when it comes to value.

The Toronto Wolfpack, situated in the city’s west end at Lamport Stadium offers an affordable outing. A passionate fan base coupled with an entertaining sporting experience is making the rugby team a must-try event.

The experience is very different from typical sporting events in the city. For starters, in order to buy a beer, you must purchase a token which you can then exchange for a beverage. However, the best part about the tokens might be the shelf life they carry.

With most sporting events, when the game is over, so is the party. That is not the case with the Wolfpack. After the game wraps up, the venue stays open for two hours. That means your relatively inexpensive ticket is valid for one rugby match and one amazing afterparty. You will be hard-pressed to find a better bargain than that.