

Today in History for June 2:

On this date:

In 1615, the first missionaries to come to Canada, the Recoletts, arrived in Quebec.

In 1740, the Marquis de Sade -- writer, philosopher and revolutionary -- was born in Paris.

In 1835, P.T. Barnum's circus began its first tour of the United States.

In 1847, John A. Macdonald became a cabinet minister.

In 1866, Canadian militia units panicked and lost the "Battle of Ridgeway" after 700 Fenians attempted an invasion of the Niagara Peninsula.

In 1882, Italian patriot Giuseppe Garibaldi died at age 75.

In 1896, in England, Guglielmo Marconi was awarded the first radio patent. He had succeeded the previous year in sending long-wave radio signals over a distance of about two kilometres. And in 1897, Marconi formed a wireless telegraphy company to develop its commercial applications. In 1901, he sent the letter "S" across the Atlantic from Cornwall, England to a receiving station in St. John's, Nfld.

In 1897, 61-year-old Mark Twain was quoted by the New York Journal as saying from London that "the report of my death was an exaggeration."

In 1917, fighter pilot Billy Bishop became the first Canadian airman to win a Victoria Cross. The 23-year-old from Owen Sound, Ont., was honoured for a solo attack on a German airfield during the First World War. Bishop was credited with downing 72 German planes during the war.

In 1929, the Guelph, Ont., was hit by a tornado that left the town almost inactive for three years.

In 1941, former New York Yankee first baseman Lou Gehrig died at age 37 of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), now known as Lou Gehrig's disease. The illness had ended his baseball career two years earlier.

In 1946, a national referendum in Italy gave women the right to vote and also rejected the monarchy in favour of a republic.

In 1952, a test pattern on Montreal's Channel 2 ushered in Canadian television.

In 1953, Queen Elizabeth II was crowned in London's Westminster Abbey. Elizabeth was 27 when she assumed the throne 16 months earlier upon the death of her father, King George VI. She had married Philip Mountbatten in 1947 and at the time of her coronation, they had two children, Prince Charles and Princess Anne. Elizabeth's coronation was the first to be televised.

In 1969, the National Arts Centre in Ottawa opened with a performance by the National Ballet of Canada. Among the other performers participating in the two-week inaugural festival were the Montreal Symphony Orchestra, contralto Maureen Forrester and singer Gordon Lightfoot.

In 1979, Pope John Paul II arrived in his native Poland -- the first visit by a pope to a Communist country.

In 1983, a fire broke out in a bathroom aboard an Air Canada jet, which was forced to make an emergency landing in Cincinnati. Twenty-three people died, including Canadian folk singer Stan Rogers. Eighteen people survived.

In 1996, Archbishop Desmond Tutu preached his last sermon as head of the Anglican church in southern Africa. Tutu retired to preside over a panel probing human rights abuses in South Africa.

In 1997, Jean Chretien's Liberals won their second straight majority government, taking 155 seats in a federal election. Preston Manning's Reform Party became the official Opposition with 60 seats, all from Western Canada.

In 1997, Timothy McVeigh was convicted in Denver on 11 charges in the 1995 bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building that killed 168 people. He was executed four years later.

In 1998, Tory Senator Michel Cogger was convicted in Montreal of influence peddling. He lobbied the federal government for a client for two years after his 1986 Senate appointment. Cogger was fined $3,000, put on probation and ordered to do community service. He resigned his Senate seat in September 2000 while continuing to appeal the conviction. Cogger received an absolute discharge from the Quebec Court of Appeal in 2001, meaning he has no criminal record.

In 1999, Japanese women won the right to use birth control pills.

In 2002, Prime Minister Jean Chretien fired Finance Minister Paul Martin, saying they no longer had a viable working relationship. Martin was replaced with Deputy Prime Minister John Manley.

In 2006, 17 suspects, including five under the age of 18, were arrested in Toronto and Mississauga on charges of plotting to attack targets in Ontario in the biggest terrorism-related raid in Canada.

In 2010, Derrick Bird went on a shooting rampage across Cumbria in northwest England, methodically killing 12 people and wounding 25 others before killing himself.

In 2011, Phillip Garrido was sentenced to 431 years in prison for kidnapping, raping and holding Jaycee Dugard captive for 18 years. His wife, Nancy, 55, was earlier given a 36-year sentence.

In 2011, the World Health Organization said that a new strain of E. coli bacteria was responsible for a deadly outbreak that eventually left 52 dead and sickened over 4,000 in Europe. Experts traced the bacteria back to vegetable sprouts from an organic farm in northern Germany.

In 2012, Richard Dawson, the wisecracking British entertainer who was among the schemers in the 1960s sitcom "Hogan's Heroes" and a decade later began kissing thousands of female contestants as host of the game show "Family Feud" died from complications related to esophageal cancer. He was 79.

In 2012, former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was sentenced to life in prison for failing to stop the killing of protesters during the 2011 uprising that forced him from power. He and his sons were acquitted of corruption in a mixed verdict that swiftly provoked a new wave of anger on Egypt's streets. (In January 2013, an appeals court overturned the sentence and ordered his release pending a retrial. In August 2013, he was released from prison and transported to a military hospital in a Cairo suburb where he was held under house arrest.)

In 2012, a shooting at Toronto's Eaton Centre killed two gang members and injured six others and caused mass panic as shoppers scrambled to evacuate the busy downtown mall. Christopher Husbands, 23, of Toronto, later turned himself in and was charged with two counts of first-degree murder and five counts of attempted murder. (He was found guilty of second-degree murder along with five counts of aggravated assault and one count of criminal negligence causing bodily harm. He is ineligible for parole for 15 years for each killing, which will be served consecutively rather than concurrently. In 2017, he was granted a new trial after a judge found the jury that convicted him was improperly selected.)

In 2014, King Juan Carlos, who led Spain's transition from dictatorship to democracy but faced damaging scandals amid the nation's financial meltdown, announced he would abdicate in favour of his more popular son, Prince Felipe, who assumed the throne on June 19.

In 2019, Canada suspended operations at its embassy in Venezuela. Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland said Canadian diplomats' visas were set to expire at the end of June and could not be renewed. The Canadian government had been a vocal critic of President Nicolas Maduro, calling him a dictator who stole an election and backing opposition leader Juan Guaido. Freeland said Ottawa was now evaluating the status of Venezuelan diplomats in Canada.

In 2019, Roky Erickson, the blue-eyed, dark-haired Texan who headed the Austin-based 13th Floor Elevators, a pioneering psychedelic rock band in the 1960s, died at 71. There were no details on the cause and location of his death. Among the band's hits were "You're Gonna Miss Me.''

In 2020, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took a long pause before he answered a question about the racial violence going on in the U.S. Speaking outside his home, Trudeau stood silently for a time before answering that Canadians are looking at the violence in the U.S. with "horror and consternation.'' He went on to say it's also a time for Canadians to recognize that we too have issues with racism, calling systemic racism a "lived reality" for Canadians of colour.

In 2021, Israel's lawmakers elected a new president. Isaac Herzog, a veteran politician from a prominent Israeli family, was elected among the 120 members of Israel's parliament to be president. It's a largely ceremonial role that is meant to serve as the nation's moral compass and promote unity.

In 2022, Turkey's state-run news agency said its foreign minister sent a letter to the United Nations formally requesting that his country be referred to as “Turkiye." The move was seen as part of a push by Ankara to rebrand the country and dissociate its name from the bird and some negative connotations that are associated with it.

In 2022, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the chief of the Siksika First Nation signed a $1.3-billion land claim settlement, which the federal government said was one of the largest agreements of its kind in Canada. The settlement dates back to 1910, when Canada broke its Blackfoot Treaty promise and took almost half of Siksika Nation's reserve land, including some of its agricultural lands, to sell to people who settled in the area.

In 2022, Doug Ford and the Ontario Progressive Conservatives sailed to a second majority government in the provincial election with a campaign focused on rebuilding highways and hospitals to chart a course out of the pandemic. In winning 83 seats, the Tories produced a victory so sweeping it toppled two other party leaders. The NDP won 31 seats -- enough to form official Opposition again -- but Andrea Horwath stepped down as leader. Liberal Leader Steven Del Duca also stepped down after he failed to secure official party status and didn't even win a seat for himself in the legislature.

In 2023, a shortage of lifeguards prompted Ontario to lower the minimum age requirement to 15 years old, from 16. The province said the change aligns with updated requirements from the Lifesaving Society's certification course.


The Canadian Press