
‘It was strange’… Barcelona prodigy talks about Xavi’s dismissal

‘It was strange’… Barcelona prodigy talks about Xavi’s dismissal
‘It was strange’… Barcelona prodigy talks about Xavi’s dismissal

FC Barcelona is currently going through a phase of change, on a lot of different fronts. The Catalan giants, despite their efforts under Xavi Hernandez, ultimately came up short. This previous season showed Barcelona their weaknesses, and they look to now amend those flaws.

Unfortunately, things are much easier said than done. For the Barcelona board, the nearer the season’s end came, the more obvious it became that they needed to make a massive decision that could potentially upset a lot of people. Ultimately, a particular decision from them did end up causing a lot of controversy and irritation.

That particular decision would be the one that saw Xavi Hernandez be sacked and replaced by Hansi Flick. While Flick’s arrival has seen more or less positive reactions, the method behind Xavi’s dismissal has not felt the same warmth given that he is a Barcelona legend.

Now, as highlighted by Mundo Deportivo, Lamine Yamal has spoken out about the dismissal of the FC Barcelona legend and coach who gave the young 16-year-old his breakout season and debut as well:

“It was a very strange moment. At first, he was leaving, then he stayed… It was strange because we were seeing the same things you all were seeing as well. Very sad because for me, he was the first elite coach I had, but these are things that happen in football.”

While Yamal clearly shows that he empathizes with his former coach at Barcelona, his answer also involves maturity. Despite just being 16 years old, the young Barcelona prodigy continues to show that he possesses maturity beyond his years both on and off the field.

For the young winger, Xavi will understandably hold a special place in his career. The Barcelona icon was the first team coach who gave the player the chance to fully shine with the first team and made him a regular starter as well. While Yamal’s future holds a lot of promise, perhaps it would not have taken such a positive trajectory had it not been for Xavi’s faith in him.