
How To Store Caramel Apples For Maximum Freshness

caramel apples with nuts
caramel apples with nuts - Aquarius Studio/Shutterstock

Now that fall is here, it's time to indulge in traditional, seasonal desserts like crisp, gooey, sweet caramel apples. The only problem with caramel apples is that most people don't eat a whole one in a single sitting. Instead, these rich and tasty treats are often cut into pieces and eaten over a few hours by multiple people. So, if you purchased more than one caramel apple -- or made a whole batch of them yourself -- you may wonder how you should store them to keep them fresh until they are all eaten up.

Here's the general rule: If you don't plan on eating a caramel apple within two hours of making it, put it in an airtight container and pop it into the fridge. Per Penn State, caramel apples can go bad surprisingly quickly and cause serious health issues, so they should always be stored correctly. If you can't refrigerate your caramel apples within two hours, it's better to throw them out than risk getting sick from eating them. Plus, storing caramel apples in the refrigerator has another benefit: The interior stays fresh-tasting and crisp while remaining soft and gooey on the outside.

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The Best Way To Store Caramel Apples In The Fridge

caramel and chocolate apple slices
caramel and chocolate apple slices - JeniFoto/Shutterstock

For store-bought apples, if you don't plan on eating them right away, it's best to keep them in their original container and put them in the fridge. In general, caramel apples can last for up to one week when refrigerated. The same goes for homemade caramel apples. When making them yourself, let the apples sit on the counter for about 30 minutes to give the caramel adequate time to cool and solidify before refrigeration.

Wrapping your caramel apples in wax paper or plastic wrap will also help keep the moisture away. However, no matter where your apples are from, you must keep them in an airtight bag or container; exposure to too much air (even in the refrigerator) can cause the caramel to dry out. Too much moisture can have the opposite effect; it causes the caramel to become unpleasantly sticky. Before serving previously refrigerated caramel apples, allow them to sit at room temperature for 10 to 15 minutes so the caramel warms slightly and returns to the perfect chewy consistency.

Should You Freeze Caramel Apples?

green caramel dipped apples
green caramel dipped apples - Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock

While you can freeze caramel apples to make them last longer, you should know this storage method changes their texture after they thaw back out. As a result, your apples will not taste as crisp or fresh. However, if you can't finish your caramel apples before they expire, freezing is one option to ensure they aren't wasted. To freeze caramel apples, ensure there's as little air exposure as possible by placing each apple in a plastic bag with the air squeezed out before putting them in an airtight container.

If you are making caramel apples at home, a better option than freezing caramel-dipped apples is to freeze the extra caramel. Caramel sauce can last up to three months in the freezer, giving you plenty of time to finish your first batch of caramel apples before thawing the caramel sauce and making another. If you decide not to make more, repurpose the extra caramel sauce by adding it to another dessert, like a delicious salted caramel, chocolate, and peanut butter pie.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.