
Spain International To Undergo Inter Milan Medicals Within The Next Week

Spain International To Undergo Inter Milan Medicals Within The Next Week
Spain International To Undergo Inter Milan Medicals Within The Next Week

Goalkeeper Josep Martinez will undergo his medicals on a move from Genoa to Inter Milan within the next week.

This according to today’s print edition of Rome-based newspaper Corriere dello Sport, via FCInterNews.

Inter and Genoa have now sealed the transfer of goalkeeper Martinez.

The Nerazzurri are bringing the 26-year-old former RB Leipzig and Las Palmas keeper in with the intention of making him their long-term starting goalkeeper.

Inter had scouted a number of other profiles for the role.

The Nerazzurri had initially been looking to sign Athletico Paranaense’s Bento.

Inter also eyed up Udinese’s Maduka Okoye and Lazio’s Christos Mandas from within Serie A. And Villarreal keeper Filip Jorgensen is another player whose agent they contact.

However, it is Martinez who the Nerazzurri will be signing.

Over the last couple of weeks, Inter and Genoa have been negotiating a transfer of the Spain international.

Initially, the two clubs discussed a possible player-plus-cash deal. Attacking midfielder Gaetano Oristanio was the player the Grifone were looking to bring in.

However, Venezia’s interest in Oristanio held up those talks. Therefore, Inter and Genoa changed tracks to negotiate a straight cash fee for Martinez.

Josep Martinez To Undergo Inter Milan Medicals Within The Next Week

Whilst the inability to work out a deal including Oristanio proved to be a setback in the talks for Martinez, it was just a minor one.

It only took Inter and Genoa a couple days to work out the straight cash deal.

The Nerazzurri will pay an initial ffe of 13.5 million for Martinez. Then there will be a further 2 million in add-ons on the deal.

So far all intents and purposes, it is a done deal.

The only question now is when Martinez will undergo his medicals and sign his contract.

According to the Corriere, it should not be more than a few days.

The Spaniard will arrive in Milan. There, he will undergo the medicals, get the final formalities out of the way – and then pose with the Inter shirt for the first time.