
Sacramento Bee readers react to anti-Semitism in Davis, CARE Court, Queen Elizabeth death

May responds

UC Davis must listen to Jews to combat anti-Semitism,” (, Sept. 3)

Hannah Holzer’s opinion piece last week was an attack on my integrity. She ignored the details we provided to her regarding UC Davis’ actions on anti-Semitism. The facts didn’t fit Holzer’s narrative.

UC Davis did support an Anti-Defamation League workshop in 2017. Another anti-Semitsm workshop was held between student leaders and the ADL in 2018.

An advisory council on Jewish student life was established in 2020 and first met in 2021. It includes campus and community representatives, including me, and it launched a Jewish speaker series earlier this year. In 2021, the Academic Engagement Network provided an educational session on anti-Semitism to senior campus leaders.

I will continue to support the Jewish community and speak out against hate of any kind. The perpetrators of hate crimes deserve condemnation for their horrendous acts. I’d appreciate not being lumped into that crowd.

Gary S. May

UC Davis chancellor

Greatest hits

States in the Western U.S. are struggling through one of the hottest and longest September heat waves on record.” (, Sept. 7)

If Billy Joel wrote “We Didn’t Start the Fire” today, it would go something like this:

We didn’t ruin the climate. It was always burning since the world was turning.

Power grid, rolling blackout, ISO sends the word out.

Glaciers melting, India and Pakistan sweltering.

As sea levels rise, smoke blackens the skies.

Lakes Mead and Powell drying, Colorado River dying.

Wind farms, solar farms, fossil fuel companies raise alarms.

Flooding across state after state, will America wake up to its fate?

1.5, 2.0, 3 degrees Celsius, here we go.

Mandatory evacuations, escape route fears, ashes falling everywhere.

Exposing Alaska permafrost, social justice being lost.

Climate scientists attacked from the right, climate now a culture war fight.

Geoengineering scares us today, tomorrow it may be the only way.

Europe, Australia, China too, we wait to see what they will do.

We didn’t ruin the climate. Who are we kidding? Of course we did!

Harold Ferber

Elk Grove

Solar instead

Newsom signs bill related to Diablo Canyon nuclear plant,” (, Sept. 2)

The California politicians who voted to allow the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant to continue operating voted against clean and safe solar power in California. The $1.4 billion in taxpayer money awarded to Pacific Gas and Electric Co. as a forgivable loan with that vote could have been used to fund solar power.

As a monopoly by government decree, PG&E has no need to show allegiance to its customers. As a private corporation, its allegiance seems to be only to the mighty dollar and its investors on Wall Street. Solar power is the nemesis of profits for PG&E, and it has fought solar with carefully curated campaign contributions to state politicians.

Fortunately, the decision of state politicians can be overturned in the next step as the federal government considers the merits of a nuclear plant that is located on a fault line.

Curtis Panasuk


Sad story

A Shasta County girl wanted to keep her baby goat alive. The county fair killed it anyway.” (, Sept. 1)

I commend writer Sam Stanton on his heartrending article about the vicious practices of the Shasta District Fair and the improper supporting role of the Shasta County Sheriff’s Office. The egregious actions taken by these entities in order to kill a single goat, a child’s beloved pet, are beyond contemptible.

Goats are sweet and friendly creatures that like humans. I hope The Bee follows the lawsuit filed on this matter so it is not swept under the rug or dismissed pursuant to the surreptitious, heavy hand of the meat lobby.

Robert Steele


Expand tolerance

Leaders denounce anti-Jewish imagery near Sacramento State,” (, Sept. 2)

The Interfaith Council of Elk Grove stands firmly with all who decry the events of last week, which saw graffiti markings referring to a tragic history appear in places of education.

Symbols of the past representing hatred, bigotry and genocide opened not-to-be-forgotten wounds. We stand for the unifying brotherhood of all mankind and a recognition that any form of hatred can only separate and divide. We stand with our Jewish community, friends and associates against all forms of anti-Semitism.

We pray for expanded understanding, tolerance and peace.

Mark A. Jansson

Elk Grove

More agency

CA lawmakers approve CARE Court homeless mental health bill,” (, Sept. 1)

I don’t agree with the CARE Court program. Someone who needs help may not be likely to admit it, but forced treatment isn’t as effective as treatment that is consented to by the individual in need of care.

The counterargument in this article is that the program is meant to be an alternative to sending Californians with mental illnesses to jails or hospitals. That means only two options are left for someone with mental health issues who isn’t seeking help: Either that their illness will remain unchecked or that they will be forced into a program against their will.

Aryan Dahyia


Keep calm and carry on

Queen Elizabeth dies: Who has served as monarch the longest?” (, Sept. 8)

When I think of Queen Elizabeth, I think about how, despite everything going on in her own family and in her country, she just kept serving. She always kept trying. She always carried on.

That’s what she did, and she did it well. God bless.

Paul Bacon

Hallandale Beach, Fla.