
Report: Liverpool Supporters Praise New ‘Life Changing’ Hillsborough Law

Report: Liverpool Supporters Praise New ‘Life Changing’ Hillsborough Law
Report: Liverpool Supporters Praise New ‘Life Changing’ Hillsborough Law

King’s Speech Announces Crucial ‘Hillsborough Law’: A New Era of Transparency and Justice

Unveiling the Promise of Hillsborough Law

The recent state opening of Parliament marked a significant milestone for advocates of the ‘Hillsborough Law’, as the new Labour government, led by Sir Keir Starmer, announced its inclusion in the legislative agenda. This development, announced by King Charles, represents a monumental achievement for the families of the 97 victims of the 1989 Hillsborough disaster, who have long sought transparency and accountability from public authorities.

The Power of Legal Candour

At the core of the proposed Public Authority (Accountability) Bill is a legal duty of candour for public authorities and their officials. This duty compels them to be truthful and proactive in cooperating with official investigations and inquiries. This legal mechanism aims to prevent the obfuscation and cover-ups that have marred many public inquiries in the past, including those concerning the Infected Blood scandal and the Grenfell Tower fire. The bill seeks not only to shorten and focus inquiries but also to reduce the immense stress and financial burden placed on families and witnesses.

Photo: IMAGO
Photo: IMAGO

Levelling the Playing Field

A particularly poignant aspect of the Hillsborough Law is its provision for equal legal representation. Under the new bill, bereaved individuals will receive public funding for legal representation, ensuring they are on an equal footing with well-resourced bodies like the police and other public authorities. This reform is aimed at correcting the imbalance that has historically disadvantaged ordinary citizens in their quests for justice.

A Culture Shift in Public Accountability

The announcement of the Hillsborough Law signals a potential shift towards greater accountability and trust in public service. The need for such a law was underscored by Charlotte Hennessey, who lost her father in the Hillsborough disaster. She expressed relief at the government’s commitment to ensuring that families like hers would no longer have to endure protracted battles for truth against deceitful public entities.

Similarly, Anne Burkett and Steve Kelly, who both lost loved ones in the disaster, emphasized the transformative nature of the law. They highlighted how the legal changes could spare future generations the prolonged anguish and struggle for justice that they experienced.

Commendations and Continued Advocacy

The efforts of legal experts and campaigners were crucial in bringing this legislation to the fore. Solicitor Elkan Abrahamson and barrister Pete Weatherby KC, who helped draft the bill, were particularly instrumental. Their dedication, along with that of the broader Hillsborough Law Now campaign, has been vital in maintaining momentum for these essential reforms.

As the legislation progresses, the emphasis will be on ensuring its swift enactment and robust implementation to truly honour the memory of those lost at Hillsborough and to prevent future tragedies from being compounded by institutional failings.

In conclusion, the introduction of the Hillsborough Law not only promises to reshape the landscape of public accountability in the UK but also serves as a beacon of hope for those seeking justice against the odds. It embodies a commitment to truth and fairness that could fundamentally alter the interaction between the public and those in power.