
--Prairie Update--



City councillors in Winnipeg have voted to remove a member of the police board over what is being characterized as an ethics breach.

But Kyle Mason says the move is a formality given he resigned weeks ago.

Details about the alleged breach have not been released.

Mason says he was ticketed in the winter for inadvertently driving without insurance, which he says is technically an ethics code violation. (CTV Winnipeg)



Cool, wet weather over the past week has lowered the risk of wildfires in Alberta.

Alberta Forestry Minister Todd Loewen (LOH’-uhn) says there has been a significant decline in the risk from last week, pointing to a lifting of the wildfire evacuation order for Fort McMurray.

There are 30 fires burning with three listed as being held and another four under control.

Loewen says 290 square-kilometres of forest have burned this year, about half of what had burned at this point last year. (The Canadian Press)



A heavy rainfall warning is in effect for parts of southern Manitoba.

Environment Canada says up to 60 millimetres of rain, accompanied by strong winds, is expected starting tonight through Saturday afternoon.

Areas covered by the warning include Winnipeg, Grand Beach, Steinbach and Pilot Mound. (The Canadian Press)



More than half of Saskatchewan producers have their crop in the ground.

The province says farmers in the southwest, northwest and southeast are ahead, while those in northeast and west-central have some catching up to do.

Seeding is taking a bit longer as rainfall over the past week slowed progress.

The recent rains have caused soil moisture to improve. (The Canadian Press)



The Saskatchewan government says it will help fund a virtual-health hub on a First Nation.

The Whitecap Dakota First Nation near Saskatoon plans to build the hub, which would provide virtual-health services to patients in 30 remote communities.

The province is covering one-third of the cost. (The Canadian Press)



A shuttle bus company in Alberta is looking to pay two people to hike and paddle their way around the Rocky Mountains this summer.

The Moraine Lake Bus Company says the winning applicants will spend two months in the field and produce photos and stories about their adventures.

The job begins June 15th and the company says it has received job applications from hundreds of would-be trekkers. (CTV-Calgary)


(Prairie Update by The Canadian Press)

The Canadian Press