
Pierluigi Gollini remains De Rossi’s favorite to serve as back-up to Mile Svilar

Pierluigi Gollini remains De Rossi’s favorite to serve as back-up to Mile Svilar

Pierlugi Gollini is still being linked as a potential back-up option for Roma.

With Mile Svilar set to continue his time as Roma’s first-choice keeper, the Giallorossi are on the look-out for a replacement of Rui Patricio.

The Giallorossi management wants to set up a high-level squad also in the substitutes, who will have to be able to not lower their level once called into action.

After the departure of Rui Patricio, the Giallorossi are looking for a second goalkeeper, who could be an alternative to Mile Svilar in the event of injury.

According to Corriere dello Sport, one of the profiles being monitored by the club is that of Pierluigi Gollini, owned by Atalanta who last played for Napoli in 2023-2024.

The newspaper reports that it was Daniele De Rossi himself who mentioned Gollini’s name n discussions with the management, as he considers him reliable.

For his part, the 29-year-old would like to relaunch himself after years with little space at Fiorentina and Napoli. He won’t stay in Bergamo because of Carnesecchi and Musso.

Atalanta would gladly sell him, either on a permanent deal for 5 million euros or a loan with option to buy.