
NTV - CJON - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 04:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

from the Lindt Maître Chocolatier. Melt into a lasting moment of bliss. (Sentimental instrumental music) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Who's that fellaback there? Uh, that's my father-in-law,Donald. All right, he's thererooting for ya. Uh, let's see.You got over $33,000. The Jackpot's over $31,000. That's at stake as well, in addition to what'sin the envelopes. Speaking of envelopes,we took the $100,000 outta here and replaced itwith the "Million" because... he's got that. [cheers and applause]So, I'm gonna take that, ask you to spin the wheel.Let's go. Spin the wheel.Here we go. It's out there somewhere,but it's all good stuff. And...there you go.Okay, I'm gonna take that. Come on this wayand pull up right there. Now, you chose"What Are You Doing?" as your category. R, S, T, L, N, E. We start youwith those letters. Oh, boy.Hmm. All right,you got some work to do. Three more consonants,one more vowel. - C.- Uh-huh. - H.- Uh-huh. P. And a vowel. A. All right. Those arereally nice letters, you know. In many wordsin the English language, they appear. Not in this one? Not in this one.Well... [sighs] Who are we kidding here?This is a tough one. Uh, "What Are You Doing?"10 seconds. Talk it out. Used letterboard.You never know. Good luck., ...ling.Funneling. Uh, finding. Matt--Uh... [buzzer] A B was your only hope here,and... [audience groans] [audience booing] [booing loudly] [laughter] Who asked you? [laughter] And--Ooh, we couldn'tdo that. It would have beenawfully nice. I am sorry. Uh, and now I have to show youwhere the "Million" was, because that's whatwe have to do. You were nearby, actually. The apostrophe.It was right there, and we couldn't do it.I'm sorry. Uh, we had a great night,though. $33,550! I'll take it. We'll be back. In case you missed it,here's tonight's Bonus Puzzle. Enter it at wheeloffortune.comfor your chance to win tonight's jackpotof $31,350 in our BetMGM Big MoneyGiveaway. Fridays are for the fans, and this week, I'm bringing youthe chance to win a fabulous Collette vacation. Be sure to tune in. In our audience tonight,specially invited here, are 70 former playersfrom the show going back as far as,I think, our first season on the air,and they did the sweetest thing as a little goodbye giftto me. What is it?Each one of them dida little page here with their picture of themon the show and a memoryof their appearance.Oh! And I'm gonna tell you guys,this means a great deal to me. This is very, very sweet. Thank you very, very muchfor being here. - Thank you for doing this.- Very sweet. And thanks for watching.We'll see you next time. BOTH: Bye-bye. Calling all "Wheel" Watchers! Check out all the fun new items available-- apparel, hats, ties, and more. Head to shopwheeloffortune.comtoday. Captioned byLos Angeles Distributionand Broadcasting, Inc. God guard thee, God guard ... You're watching Canada's Superstation, NTV! Newfoundland! God guard thee, God guard thee, God guard thee Newfoundland! . >> IT'S WEDNESDAY, MAY 22ND. >> I'M TONI MARIE WISEMAN. THIS IS NTV NEWS FIRST EDITION NEWS FIRST EDITION WITH YOUR HOST TONI MARIE WISEMAN AND MEDIA OLOGIST EDDIE SCHEER . GOOD EVENING. THE GOVERNMENT HAS LAUNCHED AN INVESTIGATION INTO A LEAK OF LEGISLATIVE BEFORE IT WAS

tabled in the house of assembly. It deals with the limitations act advocates have been calling for changes to the act so they can sue for historical cases of abuse. But lawyers say the proposed changes don't go far enough and opposition say they aren't given enough time to review that legislation before debate. >> And so there are members in the house that did not have the opportunity to see that bill yesterday and members of the public had seen it. Certainly the person that sent the email with the attachment it's seen as at a minimum I don't know how that bill got out but I raise the point of privilege and the process then is is there a prima facia case of breach of that privilege? >> Debate whether there is or not the speaker said there is. And then the house voted to send that issue to the committee on privileges, elections and privileges to determine if they're going to do an investigation. What the investigation is going to look like if they find anything out. >> What to do next. We're really behind in terms of the rest of the country and where they are with trauma informed practices in the legislation. And you know, I'm a lawyer. I can tell you about the legal rules of procedure. I don't know about parliamentary procedure but it seems to me that if all hands are working together that they should be able to get this legislation into the kind of shape that it needs to be in so that people who were deeply traumatized to children can seek access to justice. >> Cronenberg's new western memorial regional hospital is scheduled to open in less than two weeks. But despite having the equipment they need to provide radiation therapy to cancer patients, that treatment is not going to be provided for the foreseeable future and that is because of a lack of available radio radiation oncologists. Humber bay of islands image eddie joyce views it as a black mark on what should be a historic day for the province. >> What will happen is that with the patient care and of course the nurses and all the people the lpn, the nurse practitioners will give excellent care while in the hospital. There's no doubt about that. But the issue is going to arise when people got to start traveling to saint john's again for radiation unit and then as we know I know one lady who had to bring her husband back and forth on a regular basis for a pet scanner. And that's when the emotions are going to start rising. We thought we're going to have this we promised this this was committed. But the big thing the radiation so you don't have to leave your bed now get in the car and drive saint john's spent weeks and weeks in saint john's and then the pet scanner be here so you don't have to drive saint john's to get a scan. Get your car, come back home. So so I think it's good for patient care. But the big goal was was to become encompass the whole hospital are saying that it will include a radiation unit and a pet scanner. And hopefully the government will work on that even work harder to get that done, do whatever they got to do to get it done for the people. >> We have a facility infrastructure with our radiation bunkers ready to go for radiation therapy for cancer patients. That was you know, that's a remarkable achievement because for a hospital this size and in this location some said it could not be done. Well, we have it. What we have to do is again recruit the best staff we've already got the vast majority of oncology staff recruited. We're going to have this service up and running. You know, it takes time. These these types of professions, these types of skill sets are unique. Takes time to get them to to recruit them will double down. The health authority itself is responsible for attracting and recruiting our radiation oncologist for the cancer care clinic. They're already at work. They're doubling down on that effort and we have confidence in the health authority and all the great staff that are here in making that recruitment successful. We will do everything we can to help them and encourage them, give them resources to be able to do the job through incentive bonuses and other things as as we have already announced. So we are confident that we will be able to attract this very, very unique skill set which is quite frankly in demand not just here in canada but highly in demand all over the world and difficult to source anywhere in the world. >> We'll get it here in a quarter, brooke. Meanwhile in newfoundland and labrador health services has announced the recruitment of 25 new physicians in the first quarter. Dr. Gina bugden is the vice president of medical services with no health services and says government initiatives help to pave the way for these new hires. >> So newfoundland and labrador health services has put an increased focus on recruitment and retention of our health care providers within the last year. We have really stepped up our our meetings with munn and the other sort of nursing schools social work pharmacy in an effort to make sure right from day one once they enter the school that they are familiar with us that they know about the opportunities that we have available and we like to continue those touch points right through the whole educational journey so that

they at the end they are well armed with the most important information that they can make about their career. >> Tonight's weather brought to you by your accident and injury lawyers moro, moro and crosby. Call or text 24 hours a day. >> And it's time now for a look at the weather forecast. Eddy it's midweek people are already looking forward to the weekend. >> What's in store? Well, toni, we've got to the may long weekend by and large with no snow across newfoundland so that's always a bonus. Yes. But we are looking at some rain showers kind of working their way in right now and the warmth that we had really between tuesday and wednesday for eastern newfoundland is kind of quickly being raised as a cold front is working its way south and that cold front is kind of visible here by this line of rain showers. Now this is kind of a delineation between the cooler air to the north and the warmer air to the south and the showers are kind of working their way from west to east. And at the same time from north to south. So once these passed it will get noticeably cooler. And we're seeing some showers in the back inside of that front right now it looks like not too far from swift current approach and kind of the goodies area as well just south of clintonville on the take. We take a look at temperatures eight degrees in saint john's right now, 11 degrees at cape race just three at this hour and will engage four in bonner vista. But look at winterland and saint laurent still looking at upper teens in these areas and you are still north of the cold front and the wind speed and really the direction gives the cold front's location away where winds are northerly. The cold front has moved through and where there are southerly or kind of more light. The cold front has yet to push through that area but it will as the overnight does progress. >> Now once this passes we may get a little bit of clearing for a little while this evening before more cloud cover comes in than the latter part of the overnight hours 9 or 12 or 12 hour temperature trend in saint john's will show temperatures this morning. We're kind of cool and we were a little bit slow to warm up but it looks like around midday we got to 1415 degrees but then the cold front moved through at 4:00 it was ten and 5:00 it was seven and now we're seeing those readings continuing to kind of fall and we'll be there as we go into the evening. So here is your weather window for this evening at 6:00 we're going to be 7 or 8 degrees. By 7:00 it's down to six and as the overnight progresses three four degrees by the time 2 or 3 in the morning rolls around and that really is what we're going to see as we kind of wake up tomorrow morning and most of the island will follow suit. So here are your your temperatures for the next 24 hours. And as you can see, we go through time here by midnight it's down to three degrees in saint john's three and will engage six in deer lake in corner brook still kind of warm in the southwest though for the bask rockhouse era contrary valley still hovering around ten by the time tomorrow morning rolls around will be 3 or 4 degrees for most of central eastern western newfoundland and the northern peninsula and winds are going to be blustery as well as high as 30 from the north. So feeling even cooler than what the temperatures here are suggesting. And as the day progresses to more areas north, we're not going to see a whole lot of recovery maybe 4 or 5, six degrees by the afternoon. That's about it. But areas south and southwest especially will climb back into the teens during the second half of the day in labrador. Looking at seven degrees right now and happy valley goose bay six degrees in churchill falls, 11 degrees in labrador city. Five at this hour in cartwright, hopedale and maine currently sitting at one degree respectively. Now satellite and radar showing some sunny breaks over western sections of the big land and we're starting to get some improving weather along the north coast where it has been snowing for the last couple of days. Check out this picture by connie boland that was taken this morning in maine and we had snow in that area roughly through today between 19th and 21st of 48 hour period. 14cm of snow was recorded in the community. So the snow is still a very big part of our forecast as we are closing out the month of may or at least getting closer and closer to doing so. Satellite and radar showing that we have the showers working the way across the avalon peninsula in the dereham peninsula. There is some clearing behind them but it will not last long. More clouds are going around from the north as the overnight does progress but once the showers move offshore that really should do it for the showers overnight across most of newfoundland. Many of us waking up to cloudy to mostly cloudy skies as we start thursday although sunny in the west and southwest in labrador. Rain arriving in the west by tomorrow morning which will mix with snow in the churchill valley and churchill falls as the afternoon progresses and that may arrive around the upper lake melville area. Some rain showers by tomorrow evening after a sunny start to the day. We're also looking at some rain showers across western newfoundland by tomorrow evening as well. Snowfall across labrador between later today, tomorrow, early friday going to the highest inland and for interior sections north of churchill falls where it looks like between 5 and 10cm will fall with most areas north

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