
NTV - CJON - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 05:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #3

in. Welcome back to the ntv evening news hour. Tonight on the inside story new concerns have been raised about access for people who are homeless now staying at the former comfort in housing minister fred hutton gave an update on numbers at the facility today. >> So I just wanted to sort of give an update after having a conversation with mr. Parson at and homeless any chance and with respect to some of the points that were made in the house of assembly by the opposition today. As you may know because your colleagues toured 106 airport road on the day that we brought people in to show some of the rooms and some of the medical treatment rooms that were available for folks who are going to live there. That hotel is designed in such a way that you can enter each hotel room from the outside as you would pull your car up to it or it would also be from the inside. And because there are security on site, the exterior doors have been disabled in terms of coming through the hallway as you would normally in any hotel there is a lock on the door. And the point of this obviously because security around say 24 seven is to make sure that there is a point of entry that is secure and that if you are going to visit your loved one, your family member, your friend that you go through the main door, you're signed and we have, you know, a record of who is actually in the hotel at the time at 106 airport road. With respect to the ability to have people over, there are common areas where people can meet with family, friends, loved ones. There are, you know, community communal rooms I guess if you will, where there are tvs set up. And as I think I mentioned in the tour you can watch a movie there. You can, you know, have some quiet time whatever to talk to people just hang out and do that kind of a thing. With respect to the staffing that are there. Since april 15th or around april 15th when we signed our agreement with and homeless st john's, they've managed to secure their key management team, the ten people who were involved in that and the the support staffs are going to be on site. But again I will say today as I said before that being there versus being in a tent is a much safer place to be for anyone and i. >> Since you're here to clarify the numbers. My understanding is that there are 11 people staying there now. That is correct. And I think nine of them were or nine of the 12 that were there before this arrangement that was made with the government. >> Well, there were 13 at the hotel at one point prior to the arrangement. And I think that, you know, at the time of when people actually moved from the encampment by colonial building up to 1 or 6 airport road, we we said at that point in time that two people from the encampment had gone. And as you can appreciate because of the services that are being provided to folks who live there now and are staying there and will sign a lease to stay there to protect the privacy of a small group of people who were at the encampment in an hour up there. You know it's difficult to talk about it without narrowing it down to a small group of people who could potentially be there. So right now that the the number of people who are housed at 106 airport road is 11. >> Three european countries have announced today that they will recognize the palestinian state. The move by ireland, norway and spain is seen as symbolic but it sends another message to israel. >> Cctv's andy bergeron oliver explains. Humanity hearing aid groups in gaza are issuing a dire warning. Supplies and personnel are running so low. The U.N. agency for palestinian refugees has suspended food aid operations in rafah. >> The situation is absolutely catastrophic. >> Children who are at the very brink of famine are now closer than they've probably ever been to this catastrophic situation. >> The worsening humanitarian crisis in gaza comes more than seven months since the war began. After hamas attacked israel taking more than 200 hostages today a heartbreaking new video shows the moments after five young women were taken hostage early guilbault was 19 year old daughter. >> Daniella is one of them. It's not a very easy things to to see to see your daughter on this terrified look. >> The ongoing conflict in the devastation it's caused has prompted spain, norway and ireland to recognize a palestinian state. >> Our decision to recognize palestine should not have to wait indefinitely especially when it is the right thing to do. >> Already though, the decision has sparked swift condemnation from israel which has ordered the immediate recall of its ambassadors from those three countries. >> Israel claims that this is a reward to hamas and I suggest that it is not a reward to hamas who has no interest in two states, has no interest in the continuation of israel's existing.

it's a reward to moderates in the palestinian authority. The move comes after 143 countries voted in support of palestinian membership at the united nations. >> Something only states are granted. Canada abstained from that vote . >> The palestinian state canada has maintained its support for a two state solution where the palestinian state is only recognized as part of a long term political solution. >> Canada's long standing position has been to support to call for a two state solution. >> That's the path to lasting peace in the middle east. The recognition by the three european countries is historic but largely symbolic. Their formal declarations will happen next tuesday. >> Andy bergeron oliver. Ctv news ottawa. >> Tonight's weather brought to you by janes and noseworthy. It's okay to get help with your debt. Start with free video advice from our team at jane's knows where the uk and your five day forecast will show. Temperature is certainly taking a little bit of a tumble as we go into thursday and friday for areas of eastern newfoundland which experience some kind of mild weather for the last couple of days and once we get into the weekend it gets a little bit better but not overly warm. Back to six degrees on your monday for a central western looking at a good bit of rain for friday evening eastern. We'll see some rain on friday as well and same thing for parts of labrador into saturday too. And also in labrador, some locations we'll see some wet snow over the next couple of days with a bit of a warming trend as we start early next week. Satellite radar picture now across newfoundland and labrador showing things are kind of tame. A lot of cloud cover in labrador, some sunny breaks as you get back to the west on the island we are seeing some showers working their way down to the southeast behind and there is some clearing but that will kind of be short lived as more cloud cover going to work in overnight as winds turn more northerly. The wider picture showing that across areas of quebec and ontario we are seeing some pretty strong storms right now working their way through. We take a little bit of a closer look here between toronto and ottawa. We are looking at some fairly strong thunderstorms. Much of this area under a severe thunderstorm watch or a severe thunderstorm warning. So certainly some pretty nasty weather working through here with some strong winds, heavy rainfall even the potential for some hail with some of those storms in that area as well. A little bit of a wider view showing the circulation here over ontario on the back inside of this low. Some heavy rainfall is currently flying east of winnipeg. Upwards of 70mm of rain going to fall by the time it's all said and done in that area and some snow falling on the cold side of that as well and some of the moisture from this that's working its way towards the labrador and newfoundland and that will arrive over the next roughly 24 hours or so. So a feature cast we kind of paint this picture rather well for us as we start the overnight. It remains pretty quiet out there but by tomorrow morning there is some rain working its way into lab west just cold enough for some areas of labrador that some snow will fly by midday tomorrow in the churchill valley and around churchill falls. That should change to rain as warmer air does try and work its way in by 6:00 in the evening some rain falling around upper lake melville happy valley goose bay. Some rain showers across areas of western newfoundland tomorrow evening as well and that's kind of just the beginning as we go into early friday morning looking at some rain for roughly the eastern half of the island. Look at the snow not too far away. Snow front flying friday morning in southeastern labrador and friday as of now it looks like it is going to be a rainy day for areas of eastern through about midday. Then the rains are kind of taper off to showers and we're still looking at some scattered showers across parts of labrador by late friday evening as well as some flurries in the north with respect to the snowfall. Not expecting a ton but there will be some snow over the next couple of days for interior sections of labrador mainly north if churchill falls and pass points went away and it's why that map did that quick zoom thing. My apologies there but as you saw not expecting a whole lot for populated areas but some areas of interior labrador will see ten 15cm of snow. And there's also with attention for a little bit of snow in the higher terrain of the eastern side of the northern peninsula during the day friday as well mainly in the higher peaks of the high terrain there. Something to keep in mind as we are still in may and again snow in may as we know eastern newfoundland tonight between 2 and 5 degrees. >> So much cooler winds turn northerly as I've said. So it's going to feel cooler once you factor in the wind as well. So for tomorrow morning for getting out for an early walk, it's going to feel like it's below the freezing mark. Not going to prove a whole lot during the day tomorrow. Winds kind of stay blustery from the north, gusting as high as 30. The thing about tomorrow is the further north you are the cooler it's going to be as you get further south it's much warmer 12 degrees to capacity tomorrow 11 in france, 13 for ascension danville with some sun and cloud for the further north you go the cloudier it's going to be. >> Western half of newfoundland tonight lows of 2 to 8 warmest in the southwest coast and that's the warm spot

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