
NTV - CJON - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 04:30 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

>> People will be able to go down to war memorial touch their grave and say thank you. Some it's I don't know I can't my mind does not with me now. >> So with everybody going home . >> More than a dozen suspected car thieves have been arrested and are facing hundreds of charges in a major operation targeting auto theft in ontario. Police also recovered more than 300 stolen vehicles at the port of montreal worth millions of dollars. >> Cctv's heather wright reports. These are just two of the 369 vehicles recovered by police in operation odyssey. >> An investigation into a car theft ring spanning from ontario to montreal and the middle east since october of 2023. >> We have been investigating hundreds of stolen autos that have been destined for foreign markets. >> Police have arrested 16 people with warrants issued for the arrests of ten others. They say the organized crime group was stealing cars in southern ontario and using a transportation company as a hub to ship the stolen vehicles to the port of montreal and on to oman and the united arab emirates. They found 37 containers worth of cars at the port of montreal valued at more than 33 million dollars. >> Based on the evidence we believe the trucking company owners, workers and operators were fully aware and complicit in the shipping of these stolen vehicles. >> Of the 26 people arrested or who have warrants issued in this case, 14 were out on bail all with previous car theft charges. >> But in cases involving property theft, defense attorney daniel lerner says people are almost always granted bail. >> People are presumed innocent . All we have right now is somebody saying this person committed a crime and nothing's been tested. >> The insurance bureau of canada has called car thefts a national crisis. The agency says 105,000 vehicles were stolen across the country in 2022 resulting in $1.2 billion in insurance claims. Ottawa has given the provinces millions of dollars to address the surge in car thefts and violent carjackings. But police say it is frustrating to arrest the same people over and over. >> It does get frustrating but we have a job to do. Police are still looking for those ten outstanding suspects. But of the 16 who were charged and arrested, they have all been granted bail and have since been released. Heather wright, ctv news, toronto. >> Tonight's weather brought to you by janes and noseworthy. It's okay to get help with your debt. Start with free video advice from our team at jane's noseworthy. >> Okay so if we look at temperatures on a bit of a regional slash national scale we can see across eastern north america southern parts of quebec and ontario into the warm air. They are highlighted in yellow. But across much of atlantic canada under this kind of bubble of cooler air and that sounds of 6 P.M. this evening. We'll watch what happens as we go throughout the week. The warm air takes over for many areas of newfoundland between wednesday and thursday and that will result in a big time warm up some of the warmest air we've seen so far this spring. But beyond thursday looms another bout of cold air so it does not look like the warmth is going to be sustained and that's kind of seen in our five day outlook. You can see tomorrow 14, 15, 18 degrees for some areas rain arriving on the west coast and in labrador through much of the day. West coast arrives in the afternoon wednesday eastern areas we see the rain arriving in the afternoon, noon evening central rains and most of the day. But look at thursday even with the showers near 20. And then back to the mid-teens friday and saturday at least for the island portion of the province. And what about beyond that? Well, there it is as we go into telethon weekend, jim, with all the fun airing this weekend on ntv, 15 degrees saturday looks like seven for sunday right now and a little bit of a bounce back monday, tuesday and wednesday. But overall we are still kind of pining for those summertime temps. But keep in mind the average this time of year is 12 or 13 degrees and not too far away from where we should be. Here's the wide picture of satellite and radar across labrador, newfoundland. Things are calm and clear. Back to the west you've got the rain north northeast of quebec city, clouds pushing into portions of new brunswick already working through southern parts of quebec and ontario. And this is our next weather maker. So future cast what time it out for us hour by hour from tonight through tomorrow night at midnight.

and as we can see across most of the province, it stays clear overnight eastern labrador, most of newfoundland but by early tomorrow morning there's the rain arriving in lab west, maybe some thunderstorms in there as well. And then the rain will continue to work its way to the east as the day progresses tomorrow by midday. Still dry and sunny on the island. However, clouds increase after lunch time on the west coast and there's the rain showing up on the southwest coast by evening. Now for you folks here in corner brook up through stephenville, areas like rocky harbour, north point, what do you point? I don't think tomorrow we're going to see a whole lot of rain shower activity. It just have a chance of showers for that area in the late afternoon and evening out of the main band of rain here. Before to bask I do think it rains for you by evening also those red house winds ramp up as well and there are some colder air also trying to push into western and northern labrador tomorrow evening that does have some success as we move into tomorrow night and wednesday. Wednesday may see some rain and wet snow in parts of labrador. Now western newfoundland, there's the rain tomorrow night that will work its way to the east. Wednesday into early thursday kind of taking its sweet time as it does so. So that will result in some fairly hefty rainfall totals for some areas between now and late thursday and parts of labrador we're looking at upwards of 40mm of rain around labrador city up through churchill falls. Certainly not great to have rain but getting any amount of rain right now as we are kind of going to summer is certainly going to do wonders and hopefully keeping our wildfire threat nice and low as we get into those warmer months. Now on the island areas of central and western newfoundland, we're not looking at too much rain but the south coast 20, 30, 40mm of rain. And same thing for the burin and avalon peninsulas and most of that comes in these areas wednesday night into thursday morning. So tuesday and wednesday for eastern newfoundland not looking too bad thursday morning showers but then it does warm up tonight looking chilly 0 to 2 some frost a good possibility in some areas for your day tomorrow looking at mid to upper teens as you go north a little bit cooler south and then onshore flow winds gusting 30. For southern exposed shorelines I don't think we see a whole lot of fog tomorrow but some patches certainly possible in some areas. Western half of newfoundland tonight lows of 1 to 5 warmest south and west again tomorrow mid to upper teens near 20 and lewis port they've hit 2117 corner brook ten and port a bask in the onshore flow. Winds pick up and the rain arrives in the southwest coast late in the day in labrador where the rain pushes into the west overnight temperatures around seven as we go east five to 8 or 9 for the overnight lows for your day tomorrow mid to upper teens for most of the big land so warm again but it's going to be rainy and breezy with winds gusting 50 to 60 from the south and south southwest. Eastern newfoundland five day forecast. There is a rain coming in later in the day on wednesday, lingering showers thursday morning. But look at thursday 20. 14 degrees on friday, 15 saturday, thursday. Right now it looks like the first time saint john's may see more than 20 or 20 in 2024. We'll keep a close eye on that forecast for central mid-teens on wednesday with some rain 21 thursday 18 friday 15 saturday western newfoundland morning showers on thursday or excuse me wednesday 20 and sunny on thursday a little bit cooler for friday saturday and for labrador in the west the rain and snow wednesday otherwise a bit of a warming trend as we get into the weekend eastern sections of the big man looks like some rain wednesday and some showers on your thursday in the stanley cup playoffs. >> The new york rangers survived an all out barrage from the florida panthers in the final minutes to escape with a54 overtime victory giving them a21 lead in the eastern conference final. >> Here are the highlights. The rangers manage to clear is goodrow sends it down joe checks their first he gets bumped by forcing centers one and goodrow scores. What has gone and the barclay goodrow barclay goodrow scored shorthanded. He had just four goals during the regular season. That's in a second of the game in the playoffs. Rangers up four two third period now still four to rangers. Part of her hagi thought the puck on net and it goes off alexander far cobb's glove and in barkov gets credit for six of the playoff panthers. But then one two minutes later gustafsson walks in and hits the top corner his third on the playoffs as the panthers tie things at four. Less than a minute left. Still tied at four. Look for gigante magic check a in front but he is denied by isha stark and the panthers had 108 shot attempts compared to the rangers 44. So crazy circus 33 saves and just like game two this one needed overtime right off the face off doster finished

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