
NTV - CJON - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 04:30 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

the province. Area of low pressure swirling through ontario and quebec. This is driving some intense weather for our neighbors to the southwest in parts of ontario and quebec looks like eastern ontario and then western parts of quebec where the radar is currently lit up with all these colors. These are some pretty intense storms just north of montreal and just east of ottawa. Now some areas north of montreal currently under a tornado warning meaning radar has indicated there is a tornado on the ground likely embedded in some of these heavier shower cells here. Looking at the radar before I came on, looks like potentially a tornado but more than likely some high wind speeds in some of these thunderstorms. But as you go further southeast of ottawa, this is pretty nasty looking line as well north side of it. Currently a severe thunderstorm warning likely some gusty winds in there, some small hail and the heavy rainfall. Now we're not going to see weather like that but we are going to see rain moving in and high reckless wind speeds as well during the afternoon tomorrow into wednesday morning. Those winds gusting as high as 100. So certainly keep that in mind if your travels are taking you into southwestern newfoundland tomorrow afternoon into wednesday morning specifically in the rick house area and throughout the hardware valley where these winds often gust near or over what the forecast is when those rick house winds are going and when the warnings are in effect. But here's your three day forecast. I'll step out of the frame. You can see it very clearly there we have the rain coming in to most of the island on wednesday. Eastern areas looks like a sunny start wednesday rain comes in late wednesday and early thursday but behind the rain it looks like we are going to see a burst of warm temperatures. 20 degrees on thursday is what I have for eastern areas. That includes the st john's metro central 21 western newfoundland 20 both wednesday and thursday. So the warm air is there for a couple of days at least in labrador. Enjoy the warmth today. Not going to be a thing tomorrow and it also looks like after thursday things also take a trend downward and those temps once more. We'll talk about your five day forecast shortly. On the tv evening news hour at 20. >> Mike, back to you. Thank you very much, eddie. Premier andrew fury responded today to the bombshell news that health minister tom osborne is retiring from politics. At the house of assembly. He spoke to media about the timing of the news and addressed rumors about a possible election looming later this year. Oh, what a what a story. Historic career. I'm very honored to work with someone with such a legacy as tom is a wise source of counsel for me and a true friend known tom for well over a decade known as family and known as mother and his father. >> So we should all be very grateful that tom has given almost 30 years of his life to public service and to the stresses and strains that occur with political life. And I can tell you they're real for families. They're they're not benign. And for him to have given such a huge portion of his life is one that the people of the province really owe him a a debt for. There's never a good time to tell people that you're you're you're leaving but tom felt that that was the right time for him and his family and and you know what? Once the decision is made, once the rubicon is crossed, it is most important to be about the individual and what's best for their family. I'll say as I've always said that right now I am as as my team firmly focused on working for the people of newfoundland and labrador. One well-known name is already expressing interest in succeeding health minister tom osborne as the mhra for waterford valley saint john city councilor jamie corum has shared on social media that he's considering putting his name forward to run for the liberals in waterford valley. Crabb is the ward three councilor and best known as an olympic curler winning gold in 2006 with team gushue. In his facebook post, cora congratulated osborne on an outstanding political career and said while holding public office isn't easy, he can attest from his six years as a city councilor that it is very rewarding. At the house of assembly today the premier addressed if there would be a by election and crabb sharing his intention to run well well that's the way it looks. >> Certainly we're excited to see that people like people with the caliber of the caliber I should say of jamie crabb are coming forward and interesting in running and being a part of our team and the vision that we put forward for the province. So you know tom made his announcement on friday. >> We'll let that breathe first

. The rcmp are celebrating 50 years of women in policing this week. That milestone was marked recently with three of the first female members in this province being honored in the house of assembly. Tomorrow a special ceremonial take place at rcmp headquarters in st john's. >> On june 18th there will be a celebration recognizing and celebrating 50 years of women in the rcmp serving in all capacities in their careers ultimately women becoming police officers in the rcmp. You know 50 years I mean I guess I was first you know, take them back when I first heard this, you know, thinking that they've been there much longer. But indeed it has been 50 years and it's a milestone and we've come a long way in those decades. >> But as we all know, there's still much more to do. A groundbreaking treatment for patients with specific stomach cancers will soon be available in this province. That's thanks to the hard work and dedication of eight women who make up the volunteer group bells with a $100,000 check was presented this morning to the health care foundation. This donation will be used to purchase a perfusion pump for performing a hypothermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy which involves filling the abdominal cavity with chemotherapy drugs that have been heated. Medical professionals in this province say the introduction of this procedure will mark a significant milestone tone in the province's medical landscape. >> On behalf of bell's with bell's newfoundland, we are we are thrilled to present the health care foundation with a $100,000 check to be used to purchase a perfusion pump for performing hypothermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy surgery. >> Simply known as high peak. And now we have more research to suggest that when we heat this chemotherapy in the abdominal cavity it's even more effective in killing off cancer cells. To do this kind of treatment we need a special machine and this was why this fundraising endeavor was so amazing. And these amazing group of individuals have allowed us to bring this technology on board much more quickly. So it's it's a more effective way to treat ovarian cancer. But I think what's even more important for us is we have been offering traditional intra peritoneal chemotherapies in newfoundland for many years but we've only been able to offer it locally. We haven't had the resources to do it outside city center. So in terms of treating all of our patients equitably and allowing all of our patients to have the same opportunities to have the best treatments. This is what's really, really important for us starting this program. There are no serious injuries after a late night collision in the center of saint john's. >> Emergency crews were called to the intersection of the merchant road and prince of wales street shortly before midnight after a two vehicle t-bone collision. Both cars involved sustained moderate damage with several airbags deploying. One person is reported to have been taken to hospital with injuries believed to be minor in nature. Traffic on prince of wales street was slowed for a while until the damaged vehicles could be removed. >> Coming up on the ntv evening news hour, the latest fundraiser from planned parenthood could have you say so long st johns. We bring you the details. Stay tuned for that and stay with us while we take a break on the ntv evening news hour. When we come back on the inside story. We're going to take you back to this weekend's events at beaumont hamel the repatriation of the unknown soldi ( ) Wake up. Gotta go. Let's go! Guys come on! ( ) mom! Come on! Mia! ( ) My favorite colour... Bo-bo-bo-bbrrrrr, bo-bo-bo... ( ) Later. Bye. Mom! Leave running behind, behind. The turbocharged Volkswagen Atlas. ( ) ( ) Volkswagen. Hi, I'm John, 2024 Janeway Champion. Living with cystic fibrosis means lots of trips to the Janeway. But, you know, that's okay. The Janeway is always here to help all the kids in our province. And you're always here too. Your donations are so important to the Janeway. Thank you for all you do. Donating is your superpower. There's nothing comfortable about stress-tipation. RestoraLAX relieves constipation gently without causing gas, bloating, cramping or sudden urge to go. Take comfort in RestoraLAX. Try RetoraFIBRE Daily Gummies

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