
NTV - CJON - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 04:30 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

hi, toni marie. More than 800 soldiers fought and died as newfoundlanders in the great war and have no known grave. >> But on saturday one of them, the unknown soldier returned home. >> The unknown newfoundland soldier returned home on saturday, landing in st john's more than a century after he left to fight in the great war. The flight carrying him received a ceremonial fighter escort from the royal canadian air force. >> A hearse carried the sealed casket from st john's international airport through the city streets. The procession past places the soldier would have known like the training grounds in pleasantville and downtown st john's. And to pay their respects. Newfoundlanders came out to salute one of their own. Both my grandfathers served in the first world war. Victor taylor and greg barash. And we're down here tonight now to pay respects to this unknown soldier. >> Just feel very passionately about, you know, the regiment and what happened and you know ,i mean they've given us a great legacy. >> Lauren flanders died for no good reason and we're here to make sure that it's remembered . >> So community down here celebrating something. >> Yeah, that's what it's. I'm here with everybody else feeling the same thing. >> On saturday the historic handoff of remains was made between the french and canadian governments at the beaumont hamel newfoundland memorial just beneath the great bronze bill. >> It was here beneath the great bronze caribou of beaumont hamel that the french and canadian governments held the repatriation ceremony. It's the caribou after all. The emblem of the royal newfoundland regiment that keeps watch over the fields and trenches that still lay claim to many men with no known final resting place. >> But on saturday, one of those unknown newfoundlanders was laid at its base. A ceremony was held featuring the french and canadian national anthems. The last post and finally the ode to newfoundland ones is not one that the ballad rang loud and clear through these fields where so many newfoundlanders died on july 1st of 1960. When you're there at beaumont hamel it's smaller than you'd imagine. It's almost a stone's throw. >> If you have a good arm that would have separated newfoundlanders from the enemy. It's a sacred space for newfoundland and labrador where so many men and boys from every pocket of our province stood and fought. And it was on these ground saturday that the man who fought and died a newfoundlanders was carried home. >> Their prayers we raise to have their double guard go to the newfoundland guard go towards family right now. >> It's it's a moment that I digress. What do you say? I never saw in home somebody's songs coming home. >> Who gave it all for each king and country guard guard the guard, guard the guard guard the new fund. >> Uh, he represents so many, you know, of his peers and you can't bring everybody home. Minister so many still left here. And coming home to to represent all his fallen comrades. You know, that's that's what we take out of a sergeant and you know, we're so honored, you know, for that and we're honored that we had a part to play in this. Now the national war memorial behind me is not ready for memorial day when the remains of the unknown soldier will be laid to rest in a specially designed tomb. But the province says it will be ready. Refurbishments will be completed by july 1st. Until then, the remains of the unknown soldier are at a secure location and then they will lie in state at the confederation building between june 28th and june 30th. Michael thank you very much ben. That's ndtv's ben cleary reporting live from harbourside park this evening. >> Voters in the district of bay for green bay are going to the polls today in a by election to choose a new member of the house of assembly. Ntv's dawn bradshaw is covering the race and has this report from springdale. >> With sunny skies and temperatures in the mid-teens, from a weather perspective, it's an ideal day for voters to head to the polls. But despite the favorable

weather conditions, voter turnout was slow throughout much of the day in springdale, one of approximately two dozen communities that make up the provincial electoral district of green bay. It's here that residents today are choosing their next representative in the house of assembly in a by election triggered by the retirement of liberal mha brian warr who served three terms in the house before leaving office in march. Oh and byrd is the liberals hope to hold on to the seat here but he's being challenged by lynn paddock who is vying to return this district to the progressive conservative party for the first time since 2015. Riley harnett is also on the ballot in this election representing the new democratic party. This is paddock's second shot at the office. He was also the pc candidate in the 2021 provincial general election but fell 171 votes short in a loss to war. But his vote count at the time marked a near 15 point gain for the progressive conservatives in this district from the 2009 election. >> While the candidates have been touring the district for the past month sharing their party's platform, arguably the biggest news on the campaign trail had little to do with policy. >> Birt raised some eyebrows midway through this campaign when he confirmed he is a card carrying member of the conservative party of canada. >> Despite running for the provincial liberals, he says he supports premier andrew fury's provincial government. But at the federal level he believes liberal prime minister justin trudeau is no longer an effective leader. On the other side of the political ledger, panic also saw a controversy seep into his campaign when at a public debate he suggested the provincial government's efforts to recruit health care workers should focus on countries like germany and not india or pakistan. While some viewed the remarks as carrying racial overtones, paddick later said his comments were taken out of context. >> Just who will be the next member of the house of assembly for the district of? Green bay will be known in a matter of hours. Shortly after the polls here closed at 8 P.M. for ntv news dawn bradshaw springdale the house of assembly began debating legislative changes today to introduce speed cameras in the province. Ntv's jody cooke has a breakdown of how it will work when it does come into effect this summer. >> The province says over 90,000 vehicles were observed exceeding the speed limit in certain jurisdictions during its pilot project. Now they're ready to go ahead with the real thing. >> So if we put a camera on veterans memorial, for example and someone speeds 19km an hour over the speed limit, they'll get a ticket that's $200 for the first offense. >> By this summer motorists in ten areas can expect to drive past a speed camera. And if you're exceeding the speed limit when you do it, expect to pay. But today we're introducing changes to the highway traffic act. >> And that will allow a vendor to issue a ticket. >> So that's going to be a key component of our rollout. The province is ready to issue a request for proposals for a vendor to be the enforcer taking pictures, sending fine notices and showing up to court. >> Should a ticket be appealed? So we're not going inside the car. We're taking a picture of the back of the car and looking at the license plate. And so the ticket for a speed camera will go to the registered owner of the vehicle. And then of course you can't renew your vehicle registration if there's a ticket on your file essentially. And you can also then appeal that ticket to traffic court as you can today. We're also going to be making improvements to the online experience. So right now when you pay a ticket online it's a bit clumsy. So we're going to be improving that and integrating that with my governor. And to start the tickets will be paper based I believe. But we're are going to move towards electronic ticketing. Minister stoodley says they recognize speed cameras could bog down a court system already delayed which is why they're looking for a third party to run the program. >> We don't want to clog up the justice system. So rather than having police officers come to traffic court when someone appeals the ticket or the vendor will now be able to take that place. >> The province says the first ten cameras will be set up mostly on the avalon but didn't confirm if they're headed for labrador yet. >> They also don't reveal the price tag on this program. But say they're working with the municipalities who want the traffic cameras and they'll pay for them to let's say someone stole your car and they sped through a speeding ticket and you get a ticket in the mail. Then when you send that ticket back you could include a copy of a police report. And then our expectation would be that that would be resolved without having to go to traffic court. >> So it's speed cameras for now. But the province also adds that they're looking forward to introducing cameras on bus stop sign arms as well as red light cameras. Jody cooke news tonight's business report is brought to you by caa. >> A caa membership gives you peace of mind while you're

on the road. >> Get roadside assistance and other benefits from 9995 a year. Us markets are closed today for the memorial day holiday. The tsx was up 53 points to 22,373. The venture exchange down by two points to 606. No change in the dow holding at 39,069 and no change in the nasdaq at 16,921. >> Gold up $17.14 to $2,350.97 us an ounce. Brent crude oil up $0.98 to $83.10 us per barrel. The canadian dollar up 0.38 to 73.1 $0.08 us. Ford has dropped $0.04 a share to $54.49. Labrador iron ore up $0.02 to $29.99. And altius minerals down by a dime to $21.73. >> Tonight's weather brought to you by your atlantic chevrolet dealer get 0% financing up to 60 months on select 2024 chevrolet silverado trucks. Plus eligible costco members can receive a $1,200 bonus. >> Well, it looks nice outside right now. It does. It does look like feel as nice though not as nice as we'd like but it isn't rainy. >> At least it isn't drizzly. It isn't foggy. Small blessings. That's right. It's it's a step yes. >> In the right direction. And we're going to continue in that direction tomorrow and through the week. Temperature wise weather wise tomorrow looks nice. Wednesday for some of us maybe not so much but temperature wise tomorrow and thursday tomorrow, wednesday and thursday we're looking at highs in the teens and in some areas getting close to the 20s especially by thursday. >> But that's kind of a distant future compared to what folks on the bay peninsula were dealing with yesterday morning. I know some folks in labrador saw snow over the weekend. That picture was taken yesterday near nippers harbour by tim tilley. You can see there the road slushy and snow covered images like this in may and newfoundland and labrador are not uncommon but they are disheartening nonetheless because I think a lot of us are kind of pining for some warmer weather and we're starting to get it. There's a view in spring though right now not on the peninsula but the green bay white bay area seeing the nice sunny skies and I would suspect up at nimbus harbour it's a much nicer day today compared to what you're you were dealing with yesterday morning currently at let's see nine degrees. It's eight degrees right now at this hour in twill and gait which is warmer than your bond to visit a great scope saint john's counterparts at just 510 degrees at the hour in winterland 14 in saint lawrence and looking at mid teens from stephenville up through deer lakes a little bit of orange influence out there in rocky harbour currently just nine degrees. Wind speeds not overly high and they are going to get lighter overnight. So what do we get when we combine clear skies, cool temps and light ish wind speeds? We get the potential for some frost because those are the three required conditions and we are going to meet all three of these conditions across some areas of eastern and northeastern newfoundland overnight. Now I know frost is certainly a common ality in may and june but some folks are certainly planting those sensitive plants a little bit early perhaps. And those are your forecast lows for tonight. One in saint john's. Some areas of the avalon certainly going to get colder than that one in glenville, one in grand falls, windsor two miller town buckets could be below freezing tomorrow morning corner look at three deer could be below freezing tomorrow morning saint anthony or two and mostly clear areas of the south coast. I think you stay above the freezing mark by a couple of ticks overnight. So again there's a risk of frost overnight certainly highest for the avalon peninsula and areas around the northeast coast where it's like a 50 to 60% chance of seeing those temperatures near or below the freezing mark overnight. So if you have a backyard garden, what are those plants thoroughly before nightfall you can cover up the plants as well before dusk and that will help keep the heat in from the soil and keep the plants frost free . And once the sun comes up tomorrow morning you can remove those covers and let those plants take in the sunlight. In labrador far from frosty right now looking at temperatures mid-teens to low 20s in some areas. Happy valley goose bay currently at a pair of deuces 22 degrees. >> That would certainly feel very nice. We might get there later this week. We might. Now here's your forecast for tonight across newfoundland and labrador on the island, clear and cold in labrador. Rain working its way into the west overnight. That moves to the east tomorrow and that rain will also arrive on the west coast and southwest coast tomorrow afternoon slash evening I think in the afternoon for the port of for evening in the corner of areas clouds on the increase but the further east you go the more sunshine you see in saint john's tomorrow 14 degrees gained or 17 even your passey getting as warm as nine. Now here's our inbound weather system right now we are well ahead of it clear skies across

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