
NTV - CJON - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 04:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

To give your teeth a dentist clean feeling... start with a round brush head... add power... and you've got Oral-B. Round cleans better by surrounding each tooth... to remove 100% more plaque... for that just-left-the-dentist clean feeling. Oral-B All right. Get the team over there now. Tuesdays. Man up. Three expert teams. I like to hear where one exciting night you guys are gonna want to see this. FBI. Let's get to work. We got to find this guy first. FBI International. Is it always going to be like this? Action faction? Action, FBI. Most wanted. Shut it down. Will do. Who's that handsome fellaback there? That's my dad.He was here last time and didn't come down, so I'mexcited he's here today. - Hi, Dad.- Good to him back. There you go, and you haveover $19,000 cash and prizes on your second timethrough here. Spin the wheel. What'll it be tonight? Well, whatever it is,it's right by the S. - Okay, come on with me.- All right. You know the drill,right there. Now, you chose "Event"as your category. R, S, T, L, N, E. We'll get those lettersup for you. Hmm. Okay. That's a pretty goodhead start. Your turn now. Three moreconsonants, one more vowel. Um, C. Mm-hmm. M. Yes. P. And a vowel. I. Okay. You get a coupleof letters here, and a couple it is. Hmm. An "Event." You have 10 secondsto try to work that out. Good luck. Hmm... Opulent...oh, no. I--Um... I don't know. [buzzer]Well, you got "opulent," and it's a "wedding"we needed. [groans]A D would have beenawfully nice. Yes. I didn't knowwhat else to... Yeah. Yeah. Again, afterwards,it's easy to see what you should havecalled, right? And we couldn't do that.Wish we could have. But it was so niceto have you back, and you're leaving herewith $19,390. Thank you, my dear.Great to see you.Thank you. Vanna and I will return. Puzzled about what to get your favorite "Wheel" watcher? We've got the answer. The options are endless, with all new apparel, hats, drinkware, and more. Head to shopwheeloffortune.comtoday. - It's gonna be a fun week.- Yes, it is. In case you're wondering ifit's really time for me to go, I tell you this story--absolutely true. This morning, I'm gettingin my car. I'm in my garage. I go to the passenger sideand throw a couple of things in. I sit down in the carin the passenger side, and I'm sitting therefor a while, and I realizeI can't drive from here. [laughter] -, I think it's time.- Aw. Ah, that's it. But eventually,I moved over, and I made it all right.You did. Yes, indeed. We'll see you tomorrowfor more. - Goodbye!- I looked really silly sitting therewaiting for somebody. Hey, Pat Sajak here. Have you beento lately? That's where I go to rewatchimpressive solves, play a quick game of "Toss Up" Challenge, or find out about some awesome giveaways. But what I found it is thatI'm not eligible to win. But you could win big,so go ahead. Take the site for a spin. Captioned byLos Angeles Distributionand Broadcasting, Inc. God guard thee, God guard ... You're watching Canada's Superstation, NTV! Newfoundland! God guard thee, God guard thee, God guard thee Newfoundland! , IT'S MONDAY, MAY 27TH. >> I'M TONI MARIE WISEMAN. THIS IS NTV NEWS FIRST EDITION NTV NEWS FIRST EDITION WITH YOUR HOST TONI MARIE WISEMAN AND METEOROLOGIST EDDIE SCHEER . >> GOOD EVENING. THE UNKNOWN NEWFOUNDLAND SOLDIER WHO FOUGHT AND DIED IN NORTHERN FRANCE IN THE FIRST WORLD WAR RETURNED HOME THIS WEEKEND NTV'S BEN CLEARY IS

back from france today and joins us live with the latest on that. >> Hi ben. >> Hi, toni marie that's right the unknown soldier returned home to st john's on saturday evening but it was saturday morning in northern france at the beaumont hamel newfoundland memorial where a historic handoff took place between the french and canadian governments. >> Here's part of that ceremony that was held at beaumont hamel . All right . >> Words fail me right now. It's it's a moment of direct. What do you say? I never saw him home. Somebody saw him coming home. >> Who gave it all for his king and country? How blessed are we on july 1st to have a memorial day and to have a canada day? >> How blessed are we? Because I don't think anybody else maybe in the world gets to make that direct action between the sacrifices made for the joys and freedoms we have and we get to do both on that day. One day we get to say thank you and remember and honor. And then we get to celebrate what they fought for. I don't know anywhere in the world anywhere else in the world who gets to have that privilege. It just happened to work out that way when we joined canada . >> He represents so many you know, of his peers and you can't bring everybody home. I mean there's so many still left here. And coming home to to represent all his fallen comrades, you know, that's that's what we take out of that sort of thing. And you know, we're so honored, you know, for that and we're honored that we had a part to play in this and to feel the weight as a father not just not just as a dreamer but as a father to know that somebody's father is somebody's mother and didn't know where this person was. And now we're bringing them home answering their prayers after over 100 years is overwhelming to be there with my son and just feel the weight of being premier and father at the same time. >> It was it was quite emotional. >> Toni marie I'll have more on what happened in beaumont hamel in northern france and in saint john's when the unknown newfoundland soldier returned home. All that's coming up on the a.v evening news hour. >> All right. Thank you so much, ben. If you drive with a lead foot you might want to listen up. Speed cameras are coming to the province's roadways. Government says will be happening very soon. Today changes to the legislation were debated in the house of assembly to allow tickets to be issued using photo radar. Here's how it works. So our plan is after royal assent we're going to issue an rfp for a vendor and the vendor will install cameras, maintain cameras, move cameras, send tickets out to people in the mail or electronically and also go to traffic court. So that's going to be a key component because we really don't want to bag up law enforcement. And so to start we're going to have ten cameras. So I really I'm hoping to go more than that as fast as possible. But we're going to have ten to start some provincial government highways. We'll have discussions with some municipalities in terms of if they're interested in having some of these ten cameras on their roadways. So we're not going inside the car. We're taking a picture of the back of the car and looking at the license plate. And so the ticket for a speed camera will go to the registered owner of the vehicle. And then of course you can't renew your vehicle registration if there's a ticket on your file essentially. And you can also then appeal that ticket to traffic court as you can today. We're also going to be making improvements to the online experience. So right now when you pay a ticket online it's a bit clumsy.

so we're going to be improving that and integrating that with my over now and to start the tickets will be paper based I believe but we're are going to move towards electronic ticketing whereby the vendor would issue a speed camera ticket by email. Tonight's weather brought to you by your accident and injury lawyers. Mauro, mauro and crosby. Call or text 24 hours a day. >> It's time now for a look at the weather forecast and he joins us live in the studio. Eddie. >> Not a bad day out there. A little cold but otherwise it's pretty pleasant, isn't it? It's turned into a beautiful afternoon on the avalon toni marie I mean we had the drizzle and the cloud cover this morning along with the wind and now it's still a tad breezy out there but it's much sunnier and much, much nicer than it was when you woke up this morning. And this is kind of the scene we're going to see tomorrow but with warmer temperatures we take a look right now at the airport in saint john's reporting six degrees. Winds are northeast at 20. So certainly feeling a little bit brisk out there. So if you are going out, you're certainly going to need at least a light jacket or hoodie at least in my opinion. Across the rest of newfoundland and labrador, temperatures are decidedly warmer once you get away from that northeast coast five degrees in buena vista but 13 at this hour in gander. 17 in badger, 14 in corner brook and look at churchill falls happy valley goose bay labrador city and the coast all reporting upper teens to about 20 right now. Now speaking of 20s there is a chance the capital city may experience our first 20 degree or more high temperature later this week. Talk about that in a second. Satellite image taken from earlier today from the noah goes image viewer showing us the snapshot of our area from space. Now obviously you wouldn't see the borders there from space. Those are drawn on to give you a bit of a sense of where things are located. And as we zoom into labrador, you can see earlier today we had some cloud cover in the west. All that stuff that you see there that's likely still snowpack on the ground this off this right here. That is ice still hanging offshore. Still lots of snow left in the mainly mountains there south of lake now. But overall a beautiful day across much of the province across newfoundland. Again earlier this afternoon hardly a cloud to be found in the sky across much of the province, a few popping up over the interior but that really is about it all the cloud cover that we had earlier today has since moved eastward into the north atlantic. A little bit of cloud cover as well in the straits. Now it's cool out there right now it's clear and the winds are light that will set the stage for potential frost overnight for some areas of eastern newfoundland specifically on the avalon peninsula and northeast coast where right now it's like a 5050 chance that some areas do get cold enough to see some frost. So if you've taken the liberty of planting some sensitive vegetation a bit early you might want to do what you've got to do to keep that safe overnight. That can be as simple as watering the soil. It often keeps heating it or covering up those sensitive plants to protect them from a potential frost. If we do get frost overnight temperatures are going to fall to minus one minus two in some areas that should be about it. But as we can see right now, eastern newfoundland already 4 or 5 degrees. So we do not have a long way to fall to see that frost start to form which can form when temperatures are 1 or 2 degrees above freezing where temperatures are measured which is about two meters. West coast again right now looking beautiful mid teens porter basket seven degrees in that you're reporting nine and looking at low to mid teens on the peninsula at this hour. Here's your forecast for newfoundland tonight central also seeing that chance of frost mostly clear there you see your lows widespread one two degrees. That means low lying areas will certainly get to near zero. So I'm thinking there are certainly going to be some frost in spots overnight probably not super widespread but definitely in spots. And then look at that recovery tomorrow mid to upper teens for central newfoundland in the east low to mid teens. A nice improvement from the last couple of days. The west coast we will see some improvement tomorrow with respect to those temps but the clouds roll in during the afternoon and that will be followed by some rain showers tomorrow and some rain tomorrow night and house winds ramping up as well tomorrow afternoon gusting as high as 100 in the labrador. Overnight was dry on the coast but we see rain arriving in the west and that rain works its way eastward as you go throughout the day tomorrow near the water picture, what kind of show us what's going on across the region. Here we go watching an area of low pressure tracking its way through portions of ontario and quebec and you can see lots of pretty colors there on the radar indicating the potential for some very heavy rain and there's also some thunderstorms in there as well. So the weather system moving in is currently sparking off some severe weather in our neighbors across portions of ontario and quebec where we currently have tornado warnings, severe thunderstorm warnings, severe thunderstorm

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