
NTV - CJON - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 05:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

God guard thee, God guard ... You're watching Canada's Superstation, ntv! Newfoundland! God guard thee, . >> I'm amanda mews. And I'm jody cooke. The following is a rebroad . >> It's sunday, may 26th. Headlining our news at this hour, a soldier comes home an emotional repatriation as a young man who fought and died more than a century ago is honored after a long journey here from france. >> Political representatives react to a surprise retirement announcement by the province's longest serving M.J. pack up move in what it takes to move a hospital. >> Patient transfers in all. John bradshaw on the latest four corner books newest medical facility clean up continues. >> An annual event reminds residents about the impact of litter on the province's main thoroughfare. And in national news, weather continues to present challenges for the B.C. wildfire service. This is the ndtv's sunday evening news hour. >> The ntv sunday evening news hour with jodi cooke and amanda muse. And a very good sunday evening to you. Thanks so much for joining us for another edition of this broadcast. Also tonight, a look at the weather forecast. Cool weather once again remains in the next few days for the avalon but other parts of the province, amanda, are going to feel like they are in the throes of spring. Some even going to feel like a summer temperatures tomorrow. That's exciting too but it's not going to be. And also coming up in the newscast, becky daly will be here with her feature our time and she speaks with a young woman making waves in the karate community. But first to tonight's top news story the unknown newfoundland soldier who fought and died in northern france more than a century ago has now returned home. It was an emotional homecoming as hundreds of spectators gathered in the city to pay homage to the men who left newfoundland to fight in the great war so long ago. Ntv's ben cleary has more in tonight's top story, the unknown newfoundland soldier has returned home. The flight carrying the remains landed in st john's on saturday after receiving a ceremonial fighter escort from the royal canadian air force. >> A hearse carried the sealed casket from st john's international airport through the city streets. The procession past places the soldier would have known like the training grounds in pleasantville and downtown st john's. And to pay their respects, newfoundlanders came out to salute one of their own. Both my grandfathers served in the first world war. Victor taylor and greg barash. >> And we're down here tonight now to pay respects to this unknown soldier. Just feel very passionately about, you know, the regiment and what happened and you know, I mean they've given us a great legacy. >> The day began in northern france with an emotional repatriation ceremony. >> The caribou here at the heart of beaumont hamel keeps watch over the fields and trenches that still lay claim to many men with no known final resting place. But on saturday, one of those unknown newfoundlanders was laid at its base. >> A ceremony was held featuring national anthems the last post and finally the ode to newfoundland. >> One son is one on the hill. >> And while the ode was sung there was hardly a dry eye in the audience. The ballad reverberated loud and clear through silent fields where so many newfoundlanders died on july 1st of 1916. >> God god the god god and the god god the new and uh and then the man who fought and died in newfoundland or was carried home. >> I broke down several times and yeah it's a it's a truly special historic moment for all of newfoundland and labrador. It was an honor to be here today as premier when he was brought in by the french military and turned over to our canadian military. Oh my. Words can't describe the feelings. They can't. Once you got to tears you can look around. You could see tears in people's eyes and it was just just you're living something there that you'd never ever thought you would ever experience experiencing. >> Then your mercy grant us

safe lodging. >> We will never know who the unknown soldier was. We won't know where in our province he was born and raised or who his ancestors are. But that's not the point. The unknown soldier who is home now represents all the men who fought and died as newfoundlanders in the first world war with no known grave. >> Their families never knew where their sons, brothers and father's final resting place could be. But now the unknown newfoundland or is home and they will have a place to pay their respects. >> Forever. For now the remains are at a secure location. They will lie in state at the confederation building between june 28th and june 30th and then on july first the unknown newfoundland soldier will be laid to rest here at the national war memorial in st john's. >> Ben cleary. News well with more on that story now. We spoke with onlookers of last night's driving procession at the national war memorial in downtown st john's. >> About what brought them out for the event. It's so surreal to feel it. >> And it's amazing that we get to be here in real time to see all of this happen. Unfortunately I'm not going to be here on july one so here's my opportunity to come and pay respects for some circumstances and situations which we ought to be proud of. >> Our son has just come home after 100 years. And I feel that not not not for our war heroes as taught in high schools. I think the younger ones you know more about us. They went through a lot and it's good to see someone coming out really good, done a lot of history so keeps near and dear to my heart. >> It really does. It's a beautiful night and I live just up the street and I've been following the ceremony and the honorifics over the last few days and it's been very moving. >> A great memory. Lauren flanders died for no good reason and we're here to make sure that it's remembered . Voting begins bright and early tomorrow for the favourite green bay by election elections. Newfoundland and labrador is reminding electors that tomorrow, may 27th the polls will open until 8 p.m.. There's three candidates in the running to replace former liberal M.J. bryan war liberal candidate owen burt, pc candidate lynn paddock and ndp candidate riley harnett. A list of polling stations can be found on election and al's website. >> Well members of the opposition party shared their thoughts on the longest sitting member of the house of assembly's announcement that he will be retiring after 28 years of public service. And he bailey howard has a story. >> I've built very solid friendships with my colleagues. The news of health minister tom osborne's retirement came as a surprise to everyone. >> Totally unexpected curveball curveball after curveball. As the longest sitting member of the provincial government. Osborne announced on friday afternoon that he'll be retiring in july. >> Two colleagues on both sides of the house most especially cabinet in the role is incredibly important. >> Those sitting on opposite sides of the house tory health critic barry patten says he's always had a good relationship with the minister. >> He sees obviously the marlies constituency because you don't get reelected for 28 years without doing something right on the grounds of pet and says he spoke to osborne personally on saturday about the news. >> I think he reached out to a lot of members in the house which is not a surprise for him to do that. Ndp leader jim dehn says the liberals have big boots to fill in the health ministerial role. >> It's a big portfolio and whatever the differences is you know that he's a very competent, accomplished and experienced minister patten shared what the tories see as the priorities for whoever is named the next health minister. >> You know a family doctor shortage is the crux of the health care problem. That's the better that's the beginning of that's the beginning of our health care system. >> I've always said that. So we need to explore options. We put up the nurse practitioner option, you know, and overall overall improve wait times. You know we have a mental health issues out there. >> Both deane and patten shared well-wishes for osborne in his retirement. I guess that's a nice that's a nice thing to be able to say if you're around the other side of health getting a couple of the fiscal position that you you respond that you're reactive and not good on time for doing that and I and I'd be after I actually do wish him a happy healthy retirement the 28 years he deserves. >> Best wishes. I don't think that minister osborne is going to be out of the out of the ebb and flow of public life. I think he's going to find a way to contribute to the community. I think that part is what what

that that is rewarding for all I may chase but I say that he's going to find that his life is going to be able to settle down. >> He's going to have more time for himself so you know enjoy that for sure. Osborne's retirement in july means the province could see its fourth by election in one year. But some are speculating a general election may be called sooner than october 2025. >> The premier has some tough decision making to do and for a key area like her waterford valley and with a minister who held such a profile premier furey being the only one to guarantee it let us in on that secret. But we're always ready and remember we're here and we hear a lot of change at the doors. It's a mood for change out there and we just got to be, you know, ready to you know, to embrace that and put our best foot forward. >> Whenever an election is called bailey howard ntv news this week in the house of assembly it came to light that a recent bill for changes to the province's limitations act had been leaked before it had been tabled and seen by all members of the house. Well now justice minister john hogan is calling for an investigation that could delay the legislature and as the legislation is currently written it won't help those people like jack whalen, a man who was touted for bringing toward bringing forward the changes last summer will and shared his story while driving a replica jail cell of one similar to what he spent hundreds of days in at the former whitburn boy's home in the 1970s. In response to this week's news, whalen's daughter brittany, who's also his lawyer, says that time is a luxury that their family doesn't have as jack will and fights to life threatening illnesses. She says her father delayed cancer treatments to protest the unjust law and to raise awareness about what happened to him as a youth in government care. Whalen hopes his efforts and sacrifice will not be in vain and that the leaked document won't delay things any further for he and the others that are calling for justice, compensation and closure. >> Well, it's time now for another look at our weather forecast. May month is zipping by. Oh my goodness. And it doesn't feel like it even really hit yet. No, because we still have the capelin weather to go. >> We do. There have been no real may flowers in the east yet. >> Tulips are trying to fight their way out. You can see them here and there. And it looks like unfortunately amanda on the island and certainly in the capital region we're not going to see double digit temperatures yet again for well maybe the next couple of days. Other parts of the province though, including labrador are going to be feeling like they're in the throes of july month with temperatures as high as 20 degrees. Here's a look right now at what we're seeing downtown saint john's. It is only four degrees here at the end of may and our live shot showing the harbour a little bit of a windy one on the avalon and certainly rainy that rain extending all the way to conception bay south and points west for the next 24 hours. Let's take a look at our satellite radar imagery first bringing us to around 6:10 we see mostly overcast skies and some isolated bands of precipitation as that radar moves between bonavista bay and going to continue to see some light precipitation in some regions including corner brook throughout the evening tonight and port of basque. Not the case though for labrador. So the lows and conditions on the east just two degrees into saint john's and overcast skies. Some fog throughout the evening tonight a little bit more precipitation is expected this evening and temperatures again going to feel very cool into central newfoundland as well. But no real active weather for you with the exception of some winds out of the north northwest gusting to 50. That's what's driving those temperatures down for tomorrow. Your highs bring only single digits for the avalon but sun and cloud you're going to wake up to mostly overcast skies in the avalon region for tomorrow but make way to sunny skies for the afternoon. Still a little bit on the cool side. Single digit temperatures by the time you break through the isthmus into clare and bill you get back into the teens around 14 degrees ten for gander 13 and mary's down under sun and cloud. Those winds though remaining out of the north at around 25 to the northern peninsula, west coast and southern regions as mentioned this evening, some rain in that forecast for you and those areas. Single digits down to just two degrees for corner brook. Only one in deer lake and zero into grand falls windsor your monday forecast looks like a good one. Temperatures in the mid teens sun and cloud for all with the exception of port of basque you're going to see a rainy monday. >> Up to labrador your forecast looks really really good for tomorrow but first you got to get through cool temperatures tonight round one and zero degrees for most everyone. Doesn't really matter whether you're inland or coastal. Pretty much everyone is going to be contending with the same system here. Clear skies for all. You wake up on your monday and you have a great day in store. Look at these beautiful temperatures 12 degrees for nain 14 into hopedale, 16 for michael vick and 18 into cartwright trans labrador regions going to see temperatures as high as 20 degrees from happy valley goose bay into labrador city. >> Nothing but sun and cloud.

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