
NTV - CJON - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 04:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #2

with nicole da of the community foundation of newfoundland and labrador and cathy newhook of the montara center about the vital signs report on the cost of living. So in the first segment we're talking about some of the numbers but also within the report they're almost like commentaries I guess you could call them or these sections where you interview people who sort of I guess grapple with some of the ideas behind the numbers and one is the number about, you know, a quarter of the population have struggling to afford food you know, rethinking food charity so what are your thoughts on some of the ideas in there? Yeah. So that one is a really important piece because as we've seen food bank usage is continuing to go up and up and up even the numbers actually there are new numbers I think this past week from food banks canada that shows it's continuing in that trend and so kind of seeing that and we were really fortunate to be able to profile of the work that food first has been doing around that from two really important angles. So they did a very large consultation with both food bank people who are running food banks and also people who use food banks to really think about what we need to do to evolve that current system to ensure that it is really serving people in a way that they can do it and also ensuring the sustainability of food banks because it's largely been linked to many churches across the province and we all know the kind of challenges that are happening with a number of parishes for a lot of different reasons and so because so many people are depending on that to feed themselves we have to ensure that that's not just sort of going away. The other piece that they're really looking at is they're have a large piece kind of with their lived in living experience advisory group which are really looking at people who are who are food insecure and how are they shaping the systems. And some of that has come into how food banks are going to use but also looking beyond that that food insecurity is really about income insecurity and so how are we looking at more solutions to ensure that people have the incomes they need to afford the basic needs that they do? So some of that is obviously in around income support or living wages or those kind of pieces but also really considering our like have like we have a lot of food and housing kind of in that sort of market based world and do we maybe have a limit on the profits that we think folks should maybe be able to have on food and housing those those sort of basic needs and really kind of looking at some of those structural pieces that we have so that we're not just we are raising kind of the income floors but we're also bringing down some of those costs at the same time so that those are closer together. >> And similar to that the housing crisis has been a big issue homelessness we've seen very public examples of that lately and there was a section on rethinking home ownership and you know, we look you know, do we think of it as housing or as an investment? What are your thoughts on that ? >> Yeah, that's a it's a it's an interesting piece and we brought that piece in from tom cooper at the university specifically because it was such a deep conversation for the groups that we had around the table when we talked about housing and homelessness and and the food crisis and and thinking about, you know, if we're talking about housing we've talked about housing as a need for people who are homeless. You know you have a social housing and affordable housing and that conversation happens over here and then we have a completely different conversation when you talk about home prices and you know, resale value and equity and and being able to kind of invest in your home and using retail using real estate rather as a as an investment tool and I think for a long time maybe very recently in this province like the last you know, ten, 20 years we've been able to jump on that bandwagon of using real estate as an investment tool and that's been able to help a lot of people in terms of being able to get ahead. But if you weren't able to get in on that early on, you're being very left out of that and now we're seeing here what the rest of the country is. We're seeing, you know, ten, 15, 20 years ago even where more and more people are being left out of that housing market not because necessarily they're even earning a very low income but because the housing market has become a place where it's almost impossible to get in unless you've had a leg in already. And so it's caused us to think about some of the things that nicole was mentioning about this commodification of basic needs and and really, you know, we obviously know that we have houses and they cost money and it's a transfer of ownership and equity and that's been around for a long time. But when we think about the idea of you know, if our only focus on housing is building investments then that's moving that basic need because we need houses you know as a shelter it's moving that

basic need into an area that's very dominated by the markets and and we wanted to include this piece with tom just to kind of say like yeah, obviously we want people to be able to have equity in their homes and have an investment that's going to pay out for them and be able to generate their own kind of wealth and security. But at the same time if we take that to the next level which we have been continuing to do and if we continue down that path then where's that going to lead us when all the homes are then owned by only a portion of the population and there's a huge chunk of the population that's really left out of of even the opportunity of homeownership. And so it really kind of creates much more of a deeper divide. And so the challenge at the end of tom's piece really is about kind of asking ourselves what what we want to do and and to really just think about that for a second and our our do our policies and do the way we think about these things align with our values really when we think about homes as being a place that everyone really deserves to have, you know, a safe a safe place to live. >> Stay with us while we take one more break on ndtv's issues and answers. We'll be back after this It's more than just getting back to work. It's back to the usual. It's back to connecting with the people who care. Back to early morning huddles. Back to lunch time surprises. It's back to what you can do, not what you can't. It's getting back to being you. Getting back is part of getting better. (Upbeat music) [pistons firing] Unlock your engine's true performance with new and improved Shell V-Power Nitro+Premium Gasoline. Performance Unbound. The Ferrero Rocher chocolate bar. Crunchy hazelnuts, smooth chocolate, creamy filling. Make any moment worth celebrating. Ferrero Rocher. ( ) ( ) Hold on I'm comin' ( ) ( ) Hold on I'm comin', hold on Dash that, and more, with DoorDash. Oh, sorry, you go for it. Sorry. It's yours. I couldn't. You reached for it first. I insist... I insist...more. Just, you can take... Really it's not... Hey, I got you guys Oh thank goodness. (Silence.) Delicious cracker. It's a general community, It has a lot of older people like myself and some people not so old. People have, you know, they talk about sports and puzzles go out to the yard and have a library here and movies and we go out to lunch. And lunch is always different. That's a very good part of the situation as well. Its all inclusive and very friendly. I've learned a lot, basically have met a lot of friends. It's, it's a great place to go. Wall paper or paint.We make thousands of financialdecisions every day. Stay on top of it all withalerts and insights from the cibc Smart Account. ANNOUNCER:For every home.For every room. Cohen's has exactly the look you want in stock and ready. New styles,new arrivals. See more of what'sin store at Cohen's in our newbi-weekly flyers. Cohen'swhere the home is. ( ) The fact that this Reese's ad showed up at this exact moment proves that your devices are listening... to your stomach. ( ) on Thursday, August 1st. on Thursday, August 1st. We're kicking the country with the Reklaws and special guest Justin Fancy. and special guest Justin Fancy. Check out the lineup and get your tickets Check out the lineup and get your tickets at Brought to you by Bud Light, Mike's Hard LemonadeLambs Rum, ozfm, ntv Shield Group and Delta Hotels. Must be 19 years orolder. ( ) Wake up. Gotta go. Let's go! Guys come on! ( )

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