
NTV - CJON - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 05:30 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

guard ... You're viewing Canada's Superstation, ntv! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee ( ) >> Farah: on this friday night, the U.N.'s top court orders israel to stop its rafah offensive now. Israel's response as the suffering in gaza just gets worse. >>> A potential strike for border workers. >> Members are angry. >> Farah: when they might walk off the job as the summer travel season approaches. >>> Backlash, the indigenous community reacts to the RCMP's new dress uniform option. >>> Altered news clips in a conservative MP's video. The concerns about disinformation and his response. >>> Plus, wheel of misfortune. >> I apologize, but I was a little excited. >> Farah: the game show contestant who became the butt of the joke. >> Announcer: "global national" with farah nasser. >> Farah: good evening to you. Thanks for joining us. It has been a week filled with legal and diplomatic blows for israel over its treatment of palestinians in gaza. From three european countries taking symbolic steps to recognize a palestinian state to the international criminal court announcing it's seeking arrest warrants against israel's prime minister and defense minister and now a ruling from the U.N.'s top court. >> In conformity with obligations under the genocide convention, israel must immediately halt its military offensive. >> Farah: the international court of justice ordering israel to stop its rafah offensive today, warning it could make the disastrous humanitarian situation there even worse. Now, experts say together, this week's icc and icj decision are a legal one-two punch to the country and its leadership. Our europe bureau chief crystal goomansingh begins tonight with israel's reaction to the mounting external pressure as it slips further in to international isolation. >> Reporter: conditions in rafah have deteriorated to levels now categorized as disastrous by the president of the international court of justice. In an effort to protect civilians, the icj sided with south africa issuing an order for israel to halt military operations in rafah, maintain the opening of the border crossing there and... >> Ensure the unimpeded access to the gaza strip of any commission of inquiry, fact-finding mission, or other investigative body. >> Reporter: those U.N. bodies would be probing the larger issue of genocide, which is at the heart of the original complaint brought forward by south africa last year. While a full military withdrawal from gaza was not ordered, friday's ruling is seen as ground breaking. >> It is the first time that explicit mention is made for israel to halt its military action in any area of gaza. >> Reporter: the news left many israelis bewildered. >> It's not really connected to the reality. We need to go in to rafah. >> Thinking that we're there in order to harm innocent people is completely false. >> Reporter: the court was not saved that israel has sufficiently mitigated risk to the population fleeing rafah. >> What has been very positive is the way starvation is being discussed across the board. >> Reporter: this legal advisor specializes in crimes of starvation. In conflict, she says, it's not new but it is finally being recognized in legal proceedings. >> To signal really a change in the way starvation is being viewed as not only an inevitable consequence of war or a byproduct of war but as deliberate strategy. >> Reporter: at this point, it does not sound as if israel will halt operations. The government issued a statement saying in part, israel has not and will not conduct military actions in the rafah area which may inflict on the palestinian civilian population in gaza, conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part. Icj rulings are legally binding but not enforceable. Farah? >> Farah: crystal goomansingh in london. Thank you, crystal.

>>> The genocide convention was adopted by the U.N. in 1948. That's the same year israel was founded in the aftermath of the second world war and the murder of about 6 million jews in the holocaust. The world united around the now familiar phrase "never again" and since then, it's been invoked to level charges from the bosnian war, the killing of the rohingya community in myanmar, both sides of the war in ukraine and now south africa's allegations of a specific intent to destroy palestinians in gaza against israel, the very state that was founded out of the same tragedy. Israel says it has recovered the bodies of three more hostages in gaza, and it's warned it will not stop fighting for people still being held there. >> There are men, women, children, and babies being held by hamas in living hell across our border in gaza. We will not stop fighting for their freedom. >> Farah: israel's military says three bodies were recovered in an overnight operation in northern gaza. The army says they were killed the day of the hamas attack on october 7th. >>> The truck driver who caused the deadly humboldt broncos bus crash in saskatchewan in april of 2018 has been ordered to be deported. Jaskirat singh sidhu was sentenced to eight years in prison after pleading guilty to causing that crash that killed 16 people and injured 13 others. Sidhu, an indian national, has permanent resident status in canada. His lawyer had called the deportation decision a foregone conclusion because he's not a canadian citizen and committed a serious crime. However, he says the process could still take months if not years. >>> Thousands of workers at canada border services agency are threatening object job action securing an overwhelming strike mandate. As MacKENZIE gray reports, it is warning people they could see significant disruptioning during a busy travel season. >> Reporter: it's setting up to be another treacherous travel summer with cbsa workers potentially buttoning up for a strike. >> Members are very angry as we can see from the 96% strike mandate. >> Reporter: two years after the last cbsa contract expired, the union representing 9,000 border workers says they want higher wages, new rules around remote work and a better retirement plan. >> Our members take great pride in the work they do. They're there to keep canadians safe. They work terribly understaffed and working incredibility amounts of overtime as well. >> Reporter: the last cbsa strike august 2021 causing major delays at borders and airports, something the head of canada's largest public sector union has already promised could happen again this summer. >> The trudeau liberal government has to be prepared for a summer of discontent. Whether it's at the borders, the airports. >> Reporter: chris alward threatened to wreck summer after the federal government ordered civil servants back to the office from two days a week to three. >> It's actually considered a management right to determine the place of work. In this round of bargaining, it's not surprising that it's emerged as a pressing issue for these members as well. >> Reporter: 6,000 cbsa workers are deemed essential and aren't able to strike, making it unlikely the liberals are unwilling to change their telework policy. >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: the best labour agreements happen at the bargaining table and that's exactly where the ministers are focused. >> Reporter: 15 different unions have called on ndp leader jagmeet singh to hold the government accountable through their supply and confidence deal over the work from home policy but singh isn't ready to force an election over it. >> Well, we're not at that point yet and right now, we're going to focus on using the pressure we can to get the governments to do the right thing. >> Reporter: the treasury board says it's ready to negotiate at any time but the unions countered saying it hasn't even gotten a wage offer, and they will be in a legal strike position by no later than june 10th. >> Farah: thanks for the update.

>>> At the university of toronto. The deadline has passed for pro-palestinian dhon demonstrators. They now have until monday morning to leave. Protest organizers caufield the school's terms outrageous criticizing the negotiating tactics as an ultimatum. The proposal invites them to discuss concerns with the university's business board of governing council, but it declines demands to divest from israeli companies or partnerships with israeli universities. >>> Ontario's accelerating plans to expand where alcohol can be bought. Today premier doug ford announced a multi-stage plan that will see alcohol sold in corner stores along with a wider selection in grocery stores by this fall. >> People are excited they're going to enjoy the same choice in convenience as other canadians and other people right across the world. >> Farah: starting august 1st, ontarians can find products like wine coolers and 30-pack cases of beer in grocery stores. After september 4th, they can buy beer, cider, and wine in eligible convenience stores, a goal initially promised by 2026. Big box stores will also begin sales after october 31st. >>> New temperaturedemocrats say they're planning to ask for a conservative manitoba mp brandon leslie included the video containing doctored television news clips mixed with real and out of context news. As david akin reports, experts say it pushes the boundaries of political messaging. >> Reporter: this video never aired on ctv news channel and this video never aired on cbc news. The scenes are a fiction, created for conservative member of parliament brandon leslie. >> Over the coming weeks, the liberal laurentian... >> Reporter: they were part of a four-minute video leslie released criticizing justin trudeau's record in office, fair game, but experts say the technique he used to do that mixing real footage from newscasts by global, cbc, and ctv with out of context news and what amounts to fake news is a problem. >> It's obviously taking the work that journalists do and using the model and the formats that journalists use to try to spread things that aren't true. >> This is the first instance of this sort of content that I've seen produced or published by a member of parliament in canada. I've not seen anything like this before. It's pushing the boundaries. >> Reporter: leslie shrugged off concerns that the doctored images might be mistaken for real news. >> I don't think anybody thinks that I'm the guy that's going to break the news that the prime minister has resigned. I think canadians are very smart. >> Reporter: new democrats take a different view. >> It ought to be absolutely unacceptable and there should be an ethical consensus amongst parties that we will not partake in this type of misinformation and disinformation. >> Reporter: matthew green is a member of the house of commons ethics committee which is currently studying political misinformation and disinformation. >> I would call on this mp to delete it and apologize. >> Reporter: as for the broadcasters, ctv said it was concerned about misuse of its logos and branding, while cbc said it has detected a "alarming trend of false ads and news stories." >> Farah: thank you, david. A change to the rcmp dress code sparks anger. Coming up, the reaction of the My optometrist helped me ride a bike. Help your child see things clearly. See your optometrist today. Visit Win big with the Health Care Foundation home lottery. Wi the breathtaking $1.3 million oceanfront Grand Prize show home plus $50,000 cash. Why wait? Buy your tickets at ing to hit the roads this summer with stability and control? Do it with a Can-Am Spyder or Can-Am Ryker found at your local Notre Dame recreation center. Nutri-Lawn has been nourishingthe lawns and livesof Canadians for over 35 y With our ecology-friendly lawncare, we eliminate weeds and prevent destructive insectsfrom feeding on your grass. Improve the overallhealth of your lawn. Visit Mmmm! Just like Grandma used to make! Dough By's family run business is your one stop shop. And, yes, we got the best pizza up the shore. Mother: My family loves to travel. Whoa... (Exhaling) And I love it when they all come back home. Toffifee combines what everyone loves. Caramel, hazelnut, nougat cream and chocolate. (Laughter)

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