
NTV - CJON - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 04:30 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

hurricane season which starts officially on june first. Something else to keep track of is the ocean. Now I don't know if you've been watching some of the national weather reports, but basically there is a massive heat dome right now right over the gulf of mexico into central parts of north america. And while that initially may suppress tropical storm formation because that's a large area of subsidence or sinking air not conducive for storms, it's going to allow the gulf of mexico to become very warm. In fact, the atlantic basin as a whole right now is extremely warm. When we compare it to the last ten years. So as we get in later into the summer and we start to get some of these storms forming, they're going to have lots of energy to work with because remember the warmer the water, the more fuel these storms have and the more fuel they have, the stronger they can potentially be. And this graph right now shows us essentially the ocean heat content in the tropical eastern atlantic this year compared to the essentially ten years previous between 2013 and 2022 I should say. And that's a 2013 to 2023 average. This blue line here this was last year I think 2023. And this is where we are right now in 2024. So already the ocean heat content is warmer than it was essentially in june of last year or kind of close to it. So we're going to see how this transpires but I'll keep a close eye on the tropics to see how this kind of evolves over the next few months. But as we take a look at the tropical satellite, what we have right here is potentially an area of tropical development national hurricane center giving that a 10% chance of development in the next 48 hours and a 10% chance in the next seven days. Now it should drift off to the north south of muda should not become a strong tropical system but it could be something we talk about over the next few days is going to be just again kind of the beginning of what looks to be a very busy hurricane season. I'll keep a close eye on it. Across newfoundland and labrador right now we are seeing a couple of systems working their way through. We've got one working its way offshore right now. We've got another kind of working its way and that's going to drive the weather tomorrow but ahead of this system. When you see this kind of swirl in the atmosphere like that to the east of it, you can sometimes get some instability which will drive the potential for some thunderstorms if the time of year is right and the time of year is right and we're seeing some thunderstorms right now off the west coast of newfoundland and we can take a bit of a closer look here and there's a storm cell there just to the southwest of la harbour and york harbour and there is some lightning in that. So you folks in the south side, the outer edge of the bay of islands likely getting the thunder and lightning right now and there's a stronger swell offshore here that may in fact have some small hill in it. This is also a very potent thunderstorm cell and these are kind of drifting. They're moving to the north but also kind of drifting to the east at the same time. >> So while dark harbour you're getting into this cell here this cell here is also kind of working its way to the east as well. So right around trout river and as you get up a little bit further north towards what you point north point, we're going to see, you know, how these kind of transpire. But it looks like it's moving more east right now. So this area here, la cava trout river outer edge of the bay of islands are likely going to be seeing some pretty heavy thunderstorm activity here within the next half hour to an hour if you're not getting it right now. So your forecast for newfoundland tonight temperatures for the west coast near ten degrees. Good chance of showers and storms this evening otherwise just a scattered shower across most of new flat tonight except rain on the northern peninsula for your day tomorrow. Showers west eventually rain west central northwest as well south and east not too bad if they look at saint john's tomorrow, 17 degrees 12 in placentia and 15 in mary's town into labrador tonight temperatures near zero or -1 or 2 with some rain and some wet snow and that will likely continue into tomorrow as well. We'll talk about your forecast in more detail including what we can expect for sunday and beyond and a few minutes on the evening news hour toni, mike, back to you. >> Thank you very much, eddie. So how do you move the contents of an entire six story building from one location to another? >> That's the challenge for the province's health authority as they get ready to open the new corner brook hospital. Ntv's dawn bradshaw reports from files and charts to the most essential medical equipment. >> Everything that makes corner bricks western memorial regional hospital function is being packed up this week for a move to the site of a new 164 bed acute care hospital. >> On the other side of the city with less than two weeks before the new building goes online, there's no time to waste. >> As such, newfoundland and labrador health services has engaged a company specializing in hospital relocation to oversee the transition. >> We have a very detailed ten day plan specifically. Every department knows when their area is going to be

picked up. There's a whole process of where they learned how to pack packing things up for ease of movement for the teams. We have moved teams based at both hospitals so they don't move site to site. They're only based in either the current hospital or in the new site and then trucks move in between on a load and go basis. >> So it's very strategic and very defined with time based as well. What complicates the process somewhat is the fact that the existing hospital will remain in service until the new building opens. That means the transition plan had to take into account what can be moved now and what must be left behind until the last minute. >> The whole piece of this plan is that there's minimal disruption to hospital services at the current western memorial regional hospital. So while critical care services and inpatient services still operate at the same time. So we have to make clinical decisions of what can move early, what has to stay in order to maintain that level of care for our patients. >> Some of the larger equipment that can't just be picked up and transported in the back of a moving van will stay in place until after the new building opens. >> Similar devices are already situated at the new location providing the moving team with a little leeway before all of the equipment has to be moved across town. >> Critical things like a ct machine and an mri. Those are very strategic moves that take a lot of requirements in terms of other lift equipment to move them. >> We have technical and vendors need to be here as part of that process. So those have been long in the planning now for months. So we do have technical support here from the vendors of that equipment, the technicians that operate the equipment and then other teams to move it. >> The moving trucks will be rolling steadily in and out of here for much of the next week. In anticipation of the final move that of the patients themselves scheduled to take place one week from sunday four in t v news don bradshaw corner brook construction at the valentine gold mine in central is now almost two thirds complete. Ndtv's colleen lewis with that story tonight. >> The president and chief executive officer of caliber mining daryl hall has announced that construction at the valentine gold mine is now 64% complete. Engineering is now at 98% complete with the first gold port scheduled to take place in the second quarter of 2025. >> Since caliber mining acquired the project back in january, they've connected the site to a permanent power supply. >> They've also delivered critical path items including mills and motors and employed the operations leadership team . Caliber says the project is also now fully funded with a $279 million cost to complete and 370 4 million spent so far . >> The initial $508 million capital cost estimate by marathon gold has now been increased to 653 million. The company says the mill building has now been closed and the contract has been awarded for structural mechanical piping and electrical and instrumentation. >> Meanwhile exploration is continuing with areas showing strong potential. The company says they will increase working capital over the next 12 months to de-risk the execution of the production ramp up. Upon completion the valentine project will be the largest gold mine in atlantic canada. Based on the feasibility study they expect to employ 405 people during construction and 522 during operation as for ntv news. >> I'm colleen lewis in grand falls, windsor. A man avoiding the court system may only have himself or a bad pocket dial to blame. >> After standing in front of a judge today, rnc officers were called to a business on mount road thursday night to a911 hang up call. They found a 26 year old man who was under the influence and currently on court orders. >> The man was arrested, charged and held for court several changes are coming to ambulance services in the province as of june the 1st. The entire system will be operated by N.L. health services. The health authority is working with all current ambulance operators on hiring staff, acquiring vehicles and leasing ambulance bases. Emergency calls will also go through the provincial medical communications center. As a result, all current local telephone numbers for ambulance services will be discontinued. Effective june 1st, people who call the existing local numbers will be directed to call 911 instead. Coming up on the ntv evening news hour, well you already know the 39th annual george street fest lineup but there's more to come to the biggest little street in north america this summer. >> Stay tuned for your community and stay with us while we take a break on the ins on the ntv evening news hour. When we come back on the inside story we're going to hear more

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