
NTV - CJON - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 05:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

the province's vital signs. It turned out to be a pretty nice day for many areas of newfoundland and parts of labrador but more rain and even some wet snow in some areas on the way in. We'll talk about that from the song stages and seafood festival in bay roberts coming up shortly. >> On the tv evening news hour the award winning evening news hour with toni marie wiseman, michael connors and chief meteorologist eddie shearer. >> Good evening. Preparations are underway in beaumont, hamel for the repatriation of the unknown newfoundland soldier. >> Today a number of ceremonies were held across northern france honoring the sacrifices made by newfoundlanders during the first world war. >> Ndtv's ben cleary is in france and has tonight's top story. >> A great bronze caribou the emblem of the royal newfoundland regiment. It stands at the heart of the beaumont hamel memorial. It overlooks the fields and the trenches here as well as this list of names behind me a list that represents all the newfoundlanders who fought at land and sea in the great war and have no known grave. But on saturday a repatriation ceremony will be held here at beaumont hamel and one of those soldiers is coming home from st john's to even the most remote outpost. There was hardly a family that did not experience the pain of loss and sacrifice made here in beaumont, hamel and a quiet lingers a silence that comes from an awareness of the enormity of loss of unimaginable tragedy silence that only birdsong can penetrate. >> So just imagine for a moment what would have went through those men's minds. Men who were about to run into an inferno of gunfire as they stood here in the trenches waiting for word to advance into no man's land. >> But despite whatever fear they felt, the newfoundlanders leapt from the trenches. Nearly 700 were killed, wounded or missing after the attack. But now one of the royal newfoundland regiments, owen is coming home. It's to experience the moment of reflection a quiet moment of reflection with just my family and and the casket in the room. Just a couple of minutes ago really hit home. >> Premier andrew furey, his wife and his 13 year old son were able to see the sealed casket today an emotional experience for the premier who was the unknown soldier's next of kin. And a sobering realization furey says the soldier may not have been much older than his son is now. >> So standing there with him was it was very reflective of of the tragedies of war, the sacrifices that this young man made so that we could stand here today with the freedoms that we enjoy. And it wasn't just beaumont hamill where the newfoundlanders fought for that freedom. It's here in the quiet french village of marshall where just over 600 people live that more newfoundland regiment soldiers died than any other battle not named beaumont hamill. It also grew the legend of the men who saved monti. Ten men, mostly newfoundlanders staved off an attack of more than 300 germans. Those ten men nine of whom were newfoundlanders stood near this spot where the caribou now stands guard. They were all that was left between this small village and hundreds of enemy soldiers. By the time reinforcements finally arrived after 11 hours the village had been saved and the men who protected it were heroes. >> Ten person verses read john german soledad is is amazing. He's a and quiet and incredible. >> That's the mayor of marseille opera. And he's down the newfoundland and labrador flag waves proudly lou cariboo a new long bloom village. >> It's events like these that will happen leading up to saturday a day when the unknown newfoundlanders comes back home. >> I don't know how how to describe where we come from since we started this project to actually going in and be able to tap the coffin and say you're going home son.

I can't talk to my son from northern france. >> Ben cleary news. >> One in five people in the province are struggling with food security. That's one of countless findings in month's annual vital signs report which looks at everything from food to housing, access to health care and even the impacts of loneliness. >> Ndtv's jodi cook has the highlights from where you get your food to how you pay for it where you rest your head at night to what you think about the good and the bad. The entire picture of life in newfoundland and labrador. Picture it as a full service check up on living here. That's exactly what vital signs is for all communities in this province. >> Vital signs is a check in on the province's quality of life. So we look at a number of indicators that are important for individual and community health and check in on those on an annual basis. >> The harris center of memorial university hosts a vital conversation on topics that matter to the people who make up this place. And while its role isn't to give a pass or fail grade, it is to provide a deep dive on all things that create community here. From seniors care to work opportunities. Mental and physical health supports to life in all regions urban, rural, indigenous and more. >> When you break it down into 100 that of 26 individuals. So to break it down even further we're talking about 1 in 4 then who are going to be food insecure on housing that's going to be 1 in 5 that there are 20 people if we were talking about, you know, a community of 100 that would be struggling to afford housing 31 who are having trouble just meeting those basic needs and then all of that is also coming through in terms of how loneliness and mental health challenges are of course are are becoming interrelated in there which is another piece that makes a lot of this kind of complex is that there are so many interrelated and interplay happening across those challenges for individuals. So it's really important to kind of look holistically at how that is happening to understand the challenges and then also to really imagine those solutions that maybe we can be coming forward with. >> The theme this year the cost of living, housing, food and income similar to kind of what we talked about in the pandemic we tend to talk about that. You know, we're all kind of in the same storm around the cost of living but we're all in very different boats and so we tried as much as possible with the data and the stories to really bring that forward in terms of how different the experiences can be. So we looked across housing making a living and food to really unpack that and then we also added some regional datasets to really look at what does it look like in this amazingly diverse and large province that that we live in and then really looking at the population changes. >> The report presents the data and encourages policymakers to consider the solutions understanding local context is key. >> None of it is a one size fits all approach. We really set provincially and oh to everybody because we think there's a lot of valuable information in here and pulling it all together in one place and we've tried as much as possible to kind of unpack some of the terms that get thrown around like I know we hear affordable housing a lot and so there's a glossary in here that really says affordable housing is sort of like this and what does it mean to be chronically homeless and like all of these terms that sort of get tossed around that we hope that anyone especially people who are really trying to understand the challenges and inform solutions are able to kind of read this and be able to move forward in a better way. >> This year marks ten years of the vital signs report. >> The last report focused on climate change. Its authors say measuring the data is a collective and one they're inviting all organizations to be a part of. >> Jody cooke, ntv news. One of the former tent city residents now living at the former comfort in says it's not all it was made out to be. Ndtv's bailey howard explains. >> Kathy white says at least in jail they allow visitors. >> I can't see my fiancee. I can't see my family. I was alone on mother's day. >> They wouldn't let my children come. They've had three security guards remove my son from my room. White is one of two former tent city residents now living at one of six airport road don abbott. >> Fred highton visited me in my tent. They told me if I took shelter they would provide transportation for my injuries for myself, make sure I had clothing and what I needed. >> I've been up there since may the 3rd. She describes herself as a mother, a grandmother and a survivor of physical, mental and sexual abuse. She lived at tent city but before that, white says she lived in her own home until falling on hard times. >> I've lost everything in the

last year. My mother two homes, two cars, my dog, my two cats all my personal belongings. >> For the interview white needed to sit due to injuries including two fractured ribs. Media were prohibited from interviewing white inside the lobby of the confederation building unless accompanied by a minister and told the interview could only happen outside. Nine white says the airport road facility wasn't ready and did not have necessary supports in place to take in residents. She says she was promised the experience would be transitional housing to help support her in obtaining a long term housing unit. But instead it's exactly like a shelter. Set meal times no visitors, very little support and no freedom or privacy. >> And all I wanted was a home. Despite being nervous that sharing her concerns may influence her ability to stay at the facility, white says she couldn't let former tent city residents be left out of sight out of mind by the province. Despite being hopeful about the facility, she says she has her bags packed and there's nothing that can keep her there . >> They are putting my mental health at stake and if something happened to me it's all on them. Housing minister fred hutton says as more people go there the staff and supports will increase. >> People are free to come and go as they wish. >> It's their place to live. He says residents there will sign a lease with end homelessness st john's. >> It's a month by month lease it's my understanding but they will be there. Some folks will be there longer than one month, some maybe six, maybe a bit longer until they get into a situation personally where they can transition into more stable housing within the private sector. >> Ndp leader jim tin raised the concerns in the house. He says the three year lease the province has for the hotel isn't a long term plan to address affordable housing. >> I think this is where government needs to go invest more non-market community based housing more how the government sponsor housing for low income people on fixed incomes that is going to have to be the solution otherwise you can call it a transition house. I want a transition transitional housing all you want but if there's nothing to transition into this is it so. >> Bailey howard news tonight's business report brought to you your accident and injury lawyers moral morrow and crosby visit experience does matter that caa north american markets end the day on a negative note the tsx fell 146 points to 22,200 the venture exchange down by ten points to 602. The dow fell 606 points down to 39,065 and the nasdaq was off by 66 to 16,700 36. Gold dropped $46.75 to $2,332.10 us an ounce. Brent crude oil down $0.54 to $81.36 us per barrel. The canadian dollar down 0.24 to 72.7 $0.09 us. Fortis dropped $0.89 a share to $35.51. Labrador iron ore down $0.43 to $30.01 and altius minerals down $0.39, closing at $21.66. Tonight's weather brought to you by your atlantic gmc dealer get 0% financing up to 60 months on select 2024 gmc sierra trucks. >> Plus eligible costco members can receive a $1,200 bonus. Not as warm as before but still pretty nice looking day outside. >> It's a beautiful looking day outside compared to what we've seen this week. >> It might only be about five degrees but it's sunny so can't complain. Can't complain, shouldn't complain. I bet it's nicer where eddie is though. He's in bay roberts tonight. >> Hiddie. >> I am andy roberts, toni and mike and I'm doing very much the cliche like I got newsperson thing where I got my hand up to my ear but that's because there's some lovely entertainment going on behind me so I just want to make sure I can hear you guys back at the station. But I'm here at the songs and sages and seafood festival here in bay roberts this evening at the bay arena. And as you can see, the room here in the bay arena has filled up. This is the opening night for the festival. And the energy in here is certainly high. And it looks like a lot of folks are here to take in what's going to be a very good I think five course meal here in the arena this evening. And joining me now to speak more about the events going on here right now and the weekend is the mayor of bay roberts, mayor walter yet again. Mayor, thank you very much for joining me this evening. So what's going on here? Well, the sun stages the seafood festival in a beautiful town to be robert's. I said to you when I came in, eddie, you're back here again. You can't stay away. So this is our 11th year. >> A huge success. It's something we supported our our staff with 11 years ago. And look what it turned into. We started at the legion with a very small operation. >> A very small event. Look what it's come to.

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