
'Not having home advantage will be tough'

Your views

We asked where you think Rangers will be after their first 10 games of the upcoming season following the release of the Premiership fixtures.

Here's what you had to say:

Alan: Sitting on top with 30 points, nine points clear of Hearts in second! It’s nice to have dreams.

Kevin: With more decent signings to come I expect us to have at least 29 points after 10 games.

Dougie: My main worry at the moment is that with so many new players, we suffer like last season with squad getting to know one another and don't gel initially.

Peter: Honestly don’t think much will change with the way other clubs play against Rangers and Celtic. However, if the Celtic players who turned out for Scotland play like they did I think Rangers have a great chance of winning the derby games.

Bill: Not having a home advantage will be tough. And so many new players getting to know each other’s strengths and weaknesses, it will take time to gel. I wouldn’t be surprised if Philippe Clement will be in the same position as last season, playing catch up. Once again, senior management are to blame for their lack of forward planning, again players leaving for free.

Tim: After a raft of departures I feel we are making slow and steady progress with safe signings, however more are needed to compete for the title.

JJ: After 10 games I'd hope we have a minimum of 28 points. Ideally 30, however Rangers fans must be realistic. For the second season in a row we're having to rebuild. No point blaming previous staff, now is what counts.