The Musical Queen of Rangers Hockey Was A Busy Lady
It's an age-old riddle-question but it's worth a try one more time. See if you have the answer:
Answer: Gladys (Two D's) Goodding, New York's most famous sports organist.
Ms. Goodding was the house organist for both hockey – Rangers and Rovers and Knicks basketball – not to mention the Brooklyn Dodgers at Ebbets Field.
"Gladys was as popular as the players," said Rangers publicist Herb Goren during the 1950's and 1960's, "and she had a song to fit every team"
For the Blueshirts, she played the "Rangers Victory Song," when the home team skated out for the opening face-off. Here are the tunes she had for The Original Six:
* DETROIT: The tune "Pretty Red Wing" was popular during the 1930's and fit the Motor City skaters perfectly
* CHICAGO: This one was easy as well. Band leader Tommy Dorsey's version of the song "Chicago – A Toddlin' Town," was a big hit in the late 1940's and was a natural for the Black Hawks.
* BOSTON: During the late 1920's the Bruins made a barnstorming trip to Europe and turned out to be a big hit in Paris. At the time a tune called "Paree" topped the European Hit Parade. The Beantowners liked it to much they imported it for all their games at Boston Garden.
* MONTREAL: Gladys Goodding appreciated that the Canadiens happened to be a francophone team. Her choice for the Habs was the delightful French-Canadian standby "Allouette."
* TORONTO: Believe it or not there once was a tune called "Saskatchewan" and it so happened that Maple Leafs such as forwards Don and Nick Metz came from that province.
Say this for Gladys, she had a tune for every occasion, even the Met Leaguers who played preliminary games to the Rover matches on Sunday afternoons.
The Sands Point Tigers were welcomed with "Tiger Rag" and the Manhattan Arrows sped to "Manhattan Serenade."
Not a bad musical parlay and, thank you, Gladys Goodding for the music – and the classic riddle!