
A Mixed Message From Jacob Trouba Is Puzzling To Some

Watch your language:

That's The Maven's message to Jacob Trouba after his innocent, throwaway line at a training camp media scrum raised a few eyebrows.

Looking ahead to another Cup chase, the captain noted that this could be "the last crack" for the Presidents' Trophy-winning core to win the elusive Stanley.

Nothing wrong with that, right?

But Breadman Panarin didn't quite know what to make of it.

Trouba's candor is quite clear to me. After the springtime brouhaha when he allegedly quashed a potential trade to Detroit, Jake learned the score.

At age 30, and with a staggeringly high contract, he must figure that management will give him a "sayonara" once his contract is over.

Meanwhile, Jacob made it abundantly evident that he's gung-ho about the upcoming season and I'm convinced that the loyalists will be as well.

My short fan poll substantiates that position. Longtime rooter Mark Linde from the Upper West Side of Manhattan seconds the motion.

"Forget that Trouba is overpaid," says Linde. "If he plays with a chip on his shoulder – and I think he will – he can be a valuable asset to the defense.

"He'll be out to prove everyone wrong about his 'demise.' Jacob will be hitting everyone in sight. I just hope that he does it legally and stays out of the penalty box that he previously has frequented."

Fan Linde is in the majority as far as supporting Trouba is concerned.

But here's the Maven's word to the wise for Jake: Take Breadman to lunch and explain that three little words ("The Last Crack") mean no harm.

Once teammate Panarin gets the correct message, there'll be no need for the captain to watch his language!