
Mets broadcaster Gary Cohen broke some hearts in college

Every grown person has made some regrettable fashion choices during their lifetime. It’s unavoidable, really. Trends that are hot at the time become a punchline years later. At different points in time, bellbottoms, ripped jeans and Hypercolor shirts were the epitome of cool.

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New York Mets broadcaster Gary Cohen is just like you and me. He’s not immune to the styles and trends of his era. But instead of being embarrassed about his old look, Cohen remembers those times fondly. The broadcaster actually carries around a picture of himself from his college days in his wallet. Once you see it, you’ll understand why.

Gary Cohen's look has changed quite a bit from his college days. ( Screenshot)
Gary Cohen’s look has changed quite a bit from his college days. ( Screenshot)

That’s the face of a young man who broke a lot of hearts in college. That’s the face of a man who not only rocks Led Zeppelin frequently, but can play a flawless “Immigrant Song” on the guitar. The 1980s weren’t ready for Gary Cohen, but his face says he’s just fine with that. Collegiate Gary Cohen remains defiant.

Keith Hernandez and Ron Darling can give Cohen a hard time all they want, but we here at The Stew refuse to do the same. When you look that good with long hair and a bushy beard, you have to hold on to those memories. Plus, collegiate Gary Cohen looks like the type who would beat the ever-living crap out of you if you looked at him the wrong way.

(BLS H/N: Cut 4)

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Chris Cwik is a writer for Big League Stew on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at or follow him on Twitter! Follow @Chris_Cwik