
Your Leo Monthly Horoscope for April

the word leo over a sun
Your Leo Monthly Horoscope for AprilGetty/Margie Rischiotto

Add These Dates to Your G-Cal:

  • April 1: Mercury Retrograde in Aries

  • April 5: Venus enters Aries

  • April 8: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries

  • April 19: Sun enters Taurus

  • April 21: Jupiter in Taurus conjunct Uranus in Taurus

  • April 23: Full Moon in Scorpio

  • April 25: Mercury Retrograde ends in Aries

  • April 29: Venus enters Taurus

  • April 30: Mars enters Aries

You’re plotting your next big move, Leo. For the rest of Aries season, you're following your curiosity and living life to the fullest. You may be planning travel, signing up for a class, or learning a new skill. Ongoing negotiations also pick up steam, and you’re feeling more optimistic about where they’re headed.

That being said, the month does begin with a Mercury Retrograde in Aries on April 1. You could be revisiting old ideas or slowing down and reflecting on your plans ahead. Miscommunication and travel delays will also affect you more than any other sign over the coming weeks (sorry!!!), so don’t be afraid to over-communicate and pad your commute with extra time.

Your Mercury Retrograde Horoscope

Photo credit: Getty/Margie Rischiotto
Photo credit: Getty/Margie Rischiotto

Your Aries Season Horoscope

Photo credit: Getty/Margie Rischiotto
Photo credit: Getty/Margie Rischiotto

Your 2024 Yearly Horoscope

Photo credit: Getty | Margie Rischiotto
Photo credit: Getty | Margie Rischiotto

You may receive a gift or financial investment on April 3 when Venus and Neptune, both in Pisces, sync up in the sky. This could mark the start of a creative contract or the deepening of a romantic relationship. Your vulnerability and ability to mine your past for inspiration is heightened today. Venus, the planet of love and relationships, enters Aries on April 5, bringing good news your way and lending you extra charm. Others will also be more receptive to your ideas. If you’ve had travel on your mind, now’s that time to book a weekend getaway or dream trip.

A New Moon solar eclipse in Aries on April 8 ushers in a new chapter for your education, curiosity, and perspective. You might be teaching or learning something that feels fated under this eclipse. Significant conversations begin to take shape, and you may be hit with an inspiring idea that you feel called to act on. You’re ready to pay down some debt or set strict boundaries with your budget on April 10 when Mars in Pisces and Saturn in Pisces join forces. You’re feeling more confident with boundary-setting and walking away from situations, relationships, or contracts where you don’t feel appreciated. A moment of temporary relief in your Mercury Retrograde journey arrives on April 11 when the Sun in Aries and Mercury in Aries form a cazimi, sitting together at the same place in the sky. If you’ve been rethinking your plans, this brings a moment of clarity. Important conversations reach a turning point as new information is revealed.

The Sun enters Taurus on April 19, switching up the cosmic vibe. This Taurus season puts you in a more public atmosphere. Others are recognizing your gifts and talents over the coming weeks, and they're ready to reward you for it. Some well-deserved awards or accomplishments are underway—you’re almost there, keep going! On the same day, you’re met with some promising news when Mercury in Aries meets with Venus in Aries. Heartfelt conversations can take place and new creative projects or romantic connections can begin. This is a cosmically aligned day to tell someone how you feel!

You’re experiencing major shake-ups in your career and public life on April 20 when Jupiter and Uranus meet in Taurus for the first time since 1941. You could learn about a once-in-a-lifetime career opportunity, feel called to change your professional path, or consider a move. Rebellious and innovative energy peppers the skies. You’re feeling ready to gamble and take a risk!

The Full Moon in Scorpio on April 23 brings a turning point to both your professional and personal lives. You may be moving, tending to a family situation, or be ready to cut ties with the past. Both your personal and public lives have lots of action unfolding, so take time to rest and nourish yourself. Mercury Retrograde in Aries ends on April 25, and you’re experiencing a moment of illumination. Misunderstandings begin to clear up and you’re feeling more secure with any ideas you’ve dreamed up. You're ready to take action over the coming weeks!

Venus, the planet of love and harmony, enters one of its favorite zodiac signs, Taurus, on April 29. This adds more harmony to both your professional and public life, which could spell a promotion, raise, or going viral. Advocate for your worth and ask for what you desire. The month ends on April 30 with Mars, the planet of action and drive, entering Aries. Over the coming weeks, you’re not afraid to share how you really feel and follow the plans you made during Mercury Retrograde. You’re laser-focused on making progress, and you may need to set some boundaries along the way.

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