
Key Inter Milan & AC Milan Executives Meet With Milan Mayor For San Siro Update

Key Inter Milan & AC Milan Executives Meet With Milan Mayor For San Siro Update
Key Inter Milan & AC Milan Executives Meet With Milan Mayor For San Siro Update

Inter Milan Corporate CEO Alessandro Antonello and AC Milan President Paolo Scaroni met with Milan Mayor Beppe Sala for updates on the situation with the San Siro today.

This according to Italian news outlet Calcio e Finanza.

At the moment, Inter and Milan are still mulling over the future of the San Siro and their place at the stadium.

Milan Mayor Sala has made a last-ditch attempt to convince the two clubs to stay at the stadium.

In the last year and change, the Nerazzurri and the Rossoneri have drifted away from the idea of staying in the San Siro.

This has been the result of bureaucratic obstacles to their plans to demolish the existing stadium and build a new one in its place.

The injunction on demolishing the stadium proved to be the final nail in the coffin of those plans.

Therefore, Inter and Milan have been working towards plans in other areas in the greater metropolitan area of Milan. The Nerazzurri in Rozzano, and the Rossoneri in San Donato.

Antonelli & Scaroni Meet With Sala For San Siro Updates

The crux of Inter and Milan’s plans has always been that they want a more modern stadium. This would generate more revenue.

This would be with the aim of bringing their stadium revenues up to what top European rivals are able to earn.

The clubs have felt for a long time that the existing San Siro cannot meet their financial needs. That is why they had aimed to tear down the stadium and build a new one in its place.

But Milan Mayor Sala is hoping that renovations to the stadium can bring it into line with the clubs’ needs.

Last month, architectural design firm WeBuild presented their plans to prospectively revamp the stadium.

This would see the addition of more hospitality seating with higher-priced tickets. There would also be more room for retail, restaurants, club museums, and other revenue-generators.

Inter and Milan have now had right around a month to consider and analyze WeBuild’s plans.

And today, representatives from the two clubs met with Sala.

The Milan Mayor held a meeting. Both Inter Corporate CEO Antonello and Milan President Scaroni were in attendance.

This meeting was a big step towards the clubs finalizing their decision on whether or not they can stay at the San Siro.